Good pocket holster for SIG P290


New member
Until recently, my only real experimentation with my P290 as a pocket gun was pocketing it unloaded without a holster or using an IWB holster (with the, in that capacity, bulky and unnecessary clip). I was undecided on the utility of the P290 as anything more than an occasional "pocketable" gun. Yesterday, when at the Cabelas in Northern VA I picked up a DeSantis Nemesis for it.

It really does carry well in a front pocket (for those who can't pocket this size gun easily, I am a big guy). The weight isn't the problem I thought it might be, and it was comfortable carrying around all day in my pocket today (I am used to a lot of stuff in my pockets, and I was using a good gun belt). Looking in the mirror it just looks like I have something in my pocket, and if I didn't know what it was I might guess a wallet (to aid that impression, I need to pick up a slim front pocket wallet instead of the bulky wallet I currently carry in my left front pocket). My anti-gun brother sure didn't seem to notice it (and he definitely would have said something if he did, he likes to roll his eyes and depending upon his mood make fun of me for being "paranoid" or getting a little annoyed when he knows I'm carrying around him).

So, while I don't pocket carry often (I carry a lot in my pockets and don't really have a place to put the stuff I carry in my right front pocket when I pocket carry), there are times it is a good choice, or simply what I'm in the mood for. This is now going to be my primary pocket carry choice.

There is a problem. The Nemesis, like many items that are made as "one size fits many" doesn't fit the P290 perfectly. When drawing from the pocket, the holster usually wants to come with the gun. I have to really fiddle with it to get the gun and holster separated, which adds a substantial amount of time to my draw. This is far from ideal.

So, any suggestions for a good pocket holster for a SIG P290? Really, I guess that question is (especially to those with guns the size of the P290), what are some of your favorite pocket holsters? I figure any good pocket holster design, if the maker has a mold specifically for the P290, should work out well. The only thing, it can't be too expensive since this is not going to be a common carry method, and living in a non-CCW state I only carry a few times a month (outside the home) when in a state where I can carry on my UT non-resident permit. Most of the time I carry it will be a different (larger) gun, and most of the time when I do carry the P290 it will be IWB, so I may only pocket carry this gun outside the home 3-4 times a year so I don't want to spend too much. When I carry around the apartment, it is usually a larger gun, though I do sometimes pocket carry (still, that only adds maybe a dozen more carries per year, so I still don't want to invest too much in a pocket holster that won't get a lot of use). A good price limit may be $50ish, plus or minus a bit I suppose.
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