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Good Ol Boys Only?

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New member
I offer No apologies for this. I am a Texas bread, born and raised woman and as such I speak My mind.

It is my observation that some post, just don't get many replies. Usually it's some one new or a question that some deem to be dumb.

While some members on here make excellent post and respond with advice there is no lack of snarky comments. I know I have made a few post and received not one response until I ask again and someone usually one of the posters I mentioned and have grown to respect on here provide some feed back.

I'm NOT a competition shooter, I'm NOT a gun smith, I do have 9 years prior law enforcement experience and I've been around firearms since I could walk.

My point is that for an open forum it seems to be pretty closed off. I'm not put off receiving an infraction for a post I placed but what does put me off is the closed off feeling on here, Maybe I'm not a good Ol boy or a Bubba, or an active LEO, but I AM a Shooter!!

You can close this post and give me another infraction or go ahead and ban me but it has to be said. Like My post or not, I joined for the love of the gun and the sport. I am an avid 2nd amendment supporter and member at my local shooters club. Sorry If I don't fit in to your lil club here but if you only want a certain type gun owner on here maybe you should put that in one of the sticky post and ward off the other people.

I guess from now on I'll know not to expect much from this sight and use it only as a reference rather than expect feed back. Much respect to those few who do take time to reply and post to the rest of you remember we have to ban together for our rights as gun owners and for the advice we can offer each other... otherwise why have a sight like this to begin with.

I've said my Piece, Do what ya got to do... whatever.
Sorry If I don't fit in to your lil club here but if you only want a certain type gun owner on here maybe you should put that in one of the sticky post and ward off the other people.
TFL is not a clique or club, it is a large group of widely diverse and geographically scattered people who share a dedication to the advancement of responsible firearms ownership.

We welcome all kinds of gun owners on TFL--the only requirement for membership is to follow the six rules set forth for participation in the forum rules that each member agrees to when they register on the site.

I know I have made a few post and received not one response until I ask again...
It happens to everyone now and then, and can be difficult to predict what will get a lot of responses and what won't. With thousands of members from all over the world, I don't see how there could possibly be some sort of conspiracy by which the entire TFL membership agrees to ignore certain kinds of posts, or posts from certain members, until the question is asked a second time.
I don't pay any attention to who started the thread and usually don't notice who I'm quoting until it's time to copy and paste their handle into the response.

If I haven't responded to one of your threads it is only because it didn't come up in a forum I frequent or I had nothing to add.

The only reason I saw this thread was that it came up in a "New Posts" search and I found the title interesting
My point is that for an open forum it seems to be pretty closed off.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."... comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III, scene II.

I also regularly post in a couple of other gun enthusiast forums that are more chummy and have more banter but I've also noticed more silliness and ranting and off-topic digression in them.

thefiringline.com IS a little more serious but it's also #1 in my world.

Closed off?... Mmmmm... maybe kinda closed off to silliness and ranting and off-topic digression and sloppy language.

I like it that way... and it's VERY popular so I guess a whole bunch of other folks like it that way too.

Anyhow, we love ya' TX_QtPi... And hope you stick around... OK?
It is my observation that some post, just don't get many replies. Usually it's some one new or a question that some deem to be dumb.

While some members on here make excellent post and respond with advice there is no lack of snarky comments. I know I have made a few post and received not one response until I ask again and someone usually one of the posters I mentioned and have grown to respect on here provide some feed back.


I make a few original Post, a lot never get answered.

Don't take it bad.
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I like your handle. But it took me a while to get it.

I guess I'm getting slow in my old age...

Yes, by all means welcome to TFL!
If I may make an observation...

It seems that you feel the men are ignoring you because you are a woman. Perhaps I am missing something, but unless you have included that fact in every post, how are we to know?
TX_QtPi, here are my thoughts. We take your comments in stride and at face value. I hope you take my following ones the same...

The closed off notion may be in part that TFL isn't a "chat room". It's a discussion board. We expect fairly no-nonsense posts here. Sure, it's OK to post some funny remarks. The atmosphere isn't expected to be as such as intermission at an opera. On the same token, it isn't Chuck E Cheese's, either.

Admittedly, I haven't researched your posting history to see exactly what vibes you may be receiving. However, there's plenty of possible scenarios why your questions might not be answered. Some may not know what the answer(s) to your question(s) are. Some may have read your opening post, meant to provide a reply, and just plain forgot to get back to you. Some don't like to be the first to respond. One thing is clear, IMO, is they're not failing to reply because you're a female. On the contrary, as our board comprises mostly males, they generally are quicker to respond to females' questions. If you look at the posting history and the demographics, I'm led to believe it has nothing to do with being sexist. Rather, I'm willing to bet a Buffalo Nickel it's because men want women to be involved furthering our cause here. We want women to have the same right to exercise the very same freedoms we do....equally. I can't count the number of married friends of mine that the husband is involved exercising his 2nd Amendment rights while their wives aren't interested, detest it, or are intimidated to do the same just because they think it's a "guy thing". Over the years, they've been slowly coming around.

So, here's my challenge to you. If you love what you claim, then stick around. Love is patient. Love is kind. There is a wealth of knowledge and very good people here. Be ready to take a possible hit (figuratively speaking) regarding your future contributions for a little while. Some may be put off on how you came across here and may not want to freely engage in discussion right away. Whether or not you feel fully justified on what/how your said your piece, others may have differing opinions and I suggest respecting their viewpoint as well.

I truly hope you take up my challenge. We need women just as much, if not moreso, in our community. And I'm not talking just here at TFL.

Don't know too many men called QTPI ( cutie pie )

Look at her handle.

To be honest, the abbreviations didn't click with me, either. So, Mike might have a point still.
Usernames can be hard to decipher and don't always come across as you'd expect.

Brian had to have an explanation in his signature line for the longest time to let everyone know it was pizza he was kill'n. :)

We'll have egg on our face if we've misinterpreted the QtPi part of her handle. The TX part stands proud. (As it should! :D)
Locking this for now since the original poster hasn't returned after starting it and because some of the responses (now deleted) are getting silly. I will re-open at the original poster's request via private message if she desires to continue the discussion.
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