good news...


New member
I took this of of a local firearms board Im on and thought that it should be we all know we've taken a beating last decade or heres so news thats positive...

> ---------------------- Forwarded by Peter E Brown/Atlanta/IBM on
> 05-06-99 11:02 AM ---------------------------
> Edwin Gravitt < <mailto:>> on 05-06-99 10:05:06
> AM
> To:
> cc:
> Subject: Positive Info.
> From California:
> Today I picked up the morning paper and noticed the picture on the
> front page. (Fresno Bee 05/04/99) The picture was of a man sitting
> in his vehicle. An NRA logo affixed to his window.
> Michael McHugh was in Los Angeles attending a gun show this last
> weekend. A 5 year old little girl was kidnapped in Los Angeles this
> same weekend. While at the gun show Michael learned of the
> kidnapping, and memorized some of the facts known about the suspected
> vehicle.
> While traveling home that Sunday night Michael noticed a vehicle
> matching the description he learned while at the gun show. He had
> memorized the license plate number, and noticed that the suspect
> vehicle was right in front of him. He used his cell phone to call the
> California Highway Patrol. The CHP chased the suspect vehicle for 40
> miles until a spike strip flattened two of the vehicles tires, and the
> suspect crashed the vehicle. After a two hour standoff with police
> the 5 year old was recovered safely, and was reunited with her family
> the next day.
> My thanks go out to Michael McHugh... a real hero. The Sara Brady's,
> Diane Feinsteins, and Rosie O's of the world consider him EVIL because
> he's a gun owner, but the 5 year old little girl is alive and well
> today because Michael went to a gun show.
I think this is a good example of what we can do to UPLIFT us...

We need to be posting this kind of stuff...

we have been too negative lately
