Good news from CO


Staff Alumnus
Shamelessly ripped from the Colorado Springs Gazette:

Senate approves proposal to prohibit lawsuits against gun manufacturers

By Kristy Bassuener/The Gazette

DENVER - Supporters of a bill barring lawsuits against gun makers argued Tuesday that such lawsuits drive up prices of
firearms, making the constitutional right to bear arms too expensive for many people.

That argument was added in the form of an amendment to SB205, which would limit the ability of city governments to sue gun
manufacturers and dealers in response to injuries or damages from negligent design and poor manufacturing. Local governments
could sue only for breach of contract or warranty under the bill.

The new declaration asserts that if cities did sue, high-cost lawsuits could drive gun makers out of business. The legal expenses
could make costs of firearms too high for the average citizen of the state and strip them of their right to bear arms, it says.

Both the amendment and the bill received initial approval in the Senate on an 18-16 vote.

Some Senators argued the amendment conflicts with a provision in the state's Constitution giving the city of Denver the express
ability to "sue and defend ... in all courts and places, and in all matters and proceedings." Denver is the only city in Colorado with that kind of constitutional protection.

"You cannot just declare something a matter of statewide concern and amend the constitution," said Sen. Pat Pascoe,

Lawmakers backing the bill pointed out the measure is necessary now to prevent future lawsuits against firearms makers that are
modeled after the $206 billion multi-state suit against the tobacco industry.

"A lot of us don't want to see a repeat of the tobacco settlement fiasco," said Sen. Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado Springs.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
Mostly good news! I do wonder a bit where the argument of excessive expense as a defense might lead.

Thanks for translating the Latin for us ig-know-ram-eye! (It's a LOT more interesting once I understand it!!! :) )