Good news for Michiganders!!!!


New member
The shall-issue CCW reform bills passed the house by a landslide, it is supposed to pass even easier in the senate and big John Engler already said he would sign it!!!!!

Even when it passes it will not be in effect untill March, 2000.
This seems to be the only good firearm legislation coming out of this country in what seems to be a long while(since the Georgia block on lawsuits).
Nick, I live in Michigan, and to be humbly honest, I've lost track of all the amendments and pork that's been added to the bill. I've been more involved on a national level, because I've felt there was a greater threat to RKBA from Wash. DC, while admittedly neglecting keeping track of local issues. I know I should be paying more attention, but the last time this bill was introduced, the local GOA thought there was too many restrictions, fees, loopholes for confiscation and repeal, and pork, that the bill should be withdrawn, purged, and introduced again. I last wrote my state reps a couple of months ago asking that intelligent, rational reform be instituted, but lost hope after the liberal caucus started piling back on. What's the final lowdown on this one?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited May 21, 1999).]
I emailed a few Reps that I stay in contact with the same question, "What is the bottom line?"
I know they stayed in session tile 4am sorting through the amendments, I'm sure it is full of demons(Demo's) restrictions, but in the current state of infringement going on, I really didn't think that the bill would even be voted on, they usually table any good firearm stuff and under the carpet it goes and we never see or hear of it again.
I too remember last year when the GOA issued thier alerts, they are still at their website.