Good News and Bad News on Capitol Hill


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Good News and Bad News on Capitol Hill

-- To preserve the House victory, pick up the phone and keep up
the pressure

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

"House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill. [favors enacting] some gun
control, but not so much as to turn off conservative campaign donors
next year." -- Associated Press, June 19, 1999


1. Illinois Residents. House Speaker Denny Hastert is still
committed to passing "some gun control" legislation this year. Tell
him you don't want ANY 2nd Amendment restrictions and warn him that
"conservative campaign donors" might find more worthy causes to give
to if he keeps pushing gun control. You can call his leadership
office at 202-225-0600 (or email: fax:

2. Texas and California Residents. Ask House Whip Tom DeLay (R-TX)
and House Deputy Whip John Doolittle (R-CA) to use their leadership
positions to ensure that no further action is taken on the juvenile
crime legislation. If they hear a huge outcry from the grassroots,
they can forcefully argue that Americans don't want the current
brand of crime legislation being served up on Capitol Hill. Contact
DeLay at ph: 202-225-5951, fx: 225-5241, no e-mail; and Doolittle at
ph: 202-225-2511, e-mail: fax: 225-5444.

3. Anyone With a Phone or Modem. Senator Orrin Hatch is trying to
send juvenile crime legislation to conference committee. Now that
media reports have revealed he's running for President in the year
2000, his office should be glad to hear from ANY potential
constituent inside the U.S. You can give Hatch the same message as
listed above (in #1) by contacting his office at ph: 202-224-5251,
e-mail: fax: 224-6331.

4. Finally, go to on the GOA
website to view the full analysis of each firearms related amendment
that was voted on last week, as well as the complete voting records
relating to all of these provisions. Voice your displeasure with
Representatives who have cast anti-gun votes. (If you don't have
Web access, but you're a GOA member, don't fret! GOA members will
receive an upcoming newsletter containing a House and Senate
breakdown of the votes.)

(Friday, June 25, 1999)-- The hard-fought victory gun owners
achieved in the House last week is still standing-- for now. While
the House defeated the "gun control approach" to solving juvenile
crime, they did pass a separate bill which takes a more "cultural
approach" to dealing with the issue (e.g., allowing the Ten
Commandments to be posted on school walls, etc.). This bill (H.R.
1501) could potentially be sent to a House-Senate conference
committee where it would be blended together with the very anti-gun
Senate crime bill (S. 254) that passed last month.

BUT, no conference committee can begin meeting until the House and
Senate first vote to send the bills to conference. Thankfully,
pro-gun champion Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) has placed a "hold" letter
on the juvenile crime legislation-- a parliamentary maneuver that
keeps any action from happening until he gives his consent. While
this is a good start, a "hold" letter increases in effectiveness as
more Senators sign on to the letter. Activists in Oklahoma and
Wyoming especially, should ask pro-gun Senators James Inhofe (R-OK)
[ ] and Michael Enzi (R-WY) [ ] to join Smith and sign on to the "hold"
letter on H.R. 1501 (call 202-224-3121). [Note: any legislator can
be reached toll-free at 1-888-449-3511.]

The Good Guys. The results of the House votes from last week
display a grim picture. Out of 435 Representatives, only five voted
100% correct in regard to the 11 gun votes that GOA rated. All five
were Republicans: John Doolittle (CA), John Hostettler (IN), Rick
Hill (MT), Zach Wamp (TN), and Ron Paul (TX). (Rep. Henry Bonilla
(R-TX) also voted 100%, although he missed five of the votes.)

Another legislator who deserves honorable mention is Rep. Tom DeLay,
who fought several insider battles to allow "killer" pro-gun
amendments to be offered to the House juvenile crime bill H.R. 2122.
Those "killer amendments" encouraged enough anti-gun Republicans and
Democrats to vote against the bill.

The Bad Guys. Democrats on the Appropriations Committee are giving
thought to trying to attach anti-gun amendments to legislation
providing funding for the Treasury Department. According to the
Associated Press, "Ready with amendments are Rep. Steny Hoyer,
D-Md., whose proposal would tighten requirements for sales at gun
shows; Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., who wants to raise the minimum age
of hand-gun buyers from 18 to 21; and Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.,
who favors mandatory safety devices with all hand guns."


Website news of note:

In the short time they've been available on the web, GOA T-shirts
have become quite a hit with activists. These 100% cotton shirts
are printed front and back with color logos and the no-compromise
message "It's A Right... Not A Privilege!" Available in sizes M
through XXL for $15.50 each, the shirts can be ordered at using our secure server.

Many gun owners are familiar with the mail order company Cheaper
Than Dirt. As sellers of gun accessories, ammo, and military
surplus, CTD knows the importance of defending firearms rights.
(It's also tough to run a business when the government keeps trying
to ban your inventory.) Accordingly, Cheaper Than Dirt wishes to
donate a percentage of activists' orders to GOA. If you enter their
online store from the link found at the donation will be
automatically calculated from your purchase total. Please also
mention GOA when ordering by phone.

Did someone else forward this to you? To be certain of getting up to
date information, please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail
Alert Network directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the
volume of mail is quite low. To subscribe, simply send a message to and include the state in which you live, in
either the subject or the body.