Try one of these two gifts for Mothers Day to you wife or mother.
Suggestion One --Go to a print shop with a small jar and buy/beg some of the glue they make note pads with. Get $100 in $2 or $5 bills -- NEW ONLY -- no used. Get a check book cover, leather would be nice for about $5 or$6. Cut a piece of medium cardboard (the type that is on the back of a yellow pad) too the same size as the bills. Glue the money and cardboard into a tear off note book. Protect the first bill from drips with a piece of paper. Let this setup over nite. Put the money into the check book (have you ever noticed that checks are the same size as dollar bills?). Wrap and give. A big hit in my family every time I have done it.
Number two -- A hundred or so dollars. New only. Gently wad up and stuff into small/medium box, so when box is opened the money pushs out and tries to over flow. The box needs to split open at the top like a standard shipping box. An odd amount of $103 or $104 makes for more fun, when she asks how much is there tell her you do not remember. When she counts and gets the odd number she has to count again to check amount. My wife said it was one of the most fun presents she ever got. Unwrapping a present takes 30 seconds, unfolding the new bills and counting will take from 10 to 20 minutes. Enjoy the after glow.
The check book gift lasted for about a month with one of my daughters, she said everyone that saw it freaked and wanted to know where she got it.
If you must give money, do it with imagination and it works much better that just handing over cash with a smile.