Good idea?

Day Dreamer

Unfortunately, I am an 18 year old resident of the PRK, as some affectionately know it.

Call me paranoid, but if I can avoid it, I'd rather not buy a gun that I have to register. Especially not here California. As such, I was browsing through Nevada law, and noticed that one need be only 18 to purchase hand guns there, and that there is no registration required.

I will be in Nevada visiting family in a couple months, so would there be any legal entanglements if I were to purchase a handgun (most likely a Browning Hi power) in Nevada and bring it back to California? Any precautions I should take?
One Reference

Day Dreamer,

Here are a couple of references on Califirnia (and interstate) gun laws I'm sure there are plenty more out there.

Before you get too far, it would be worth a call to the gunshop you plan to use in Nevada to confirm they will sell a handgun to a non-resident. I've gotten different answers from two gunshops in the same town.
If you're not a resident of Nevada, you can only buy a handgun to have it shipped to a gun dealer in California (where you are a resident). You cannot take possession of a handgun that you purchase from another state. Once your California dealer has it, you have to go through whatever requirements are set in California.

Example--I am a resident of NJ. I went to Nevada, and purchased a handgun there. The dealer had to ship it to a dealer here in NJ. The NJ dealer then handled the background check, and I had to go through NJ's requirements of a purchase permit prior to taking possession of the gun. It would have been 100% illegal for me to take the gun myself in Nevada. Unless I relocated to Nevada and became a resident.

Simply put, if you don't want to deal with California's gun laws, then move out of California. If you illegally possess a handgun in California, you could face felony weapons charges if you get caught. It's not worth the risk.
I could be in error...but....

I thought the Fed GCA '68 set the age for handgun purchase from a FFL dealer at 21. Check Nevada laws again, carefully. You may be allowed to own (possess) at age 18 in that state, but Fed law prohibits purchase under age 21.

Also, IIRC, Fed law only allows purchase of long guns direct in neighboring states. Not hadguns.

State (and Fed) laws may have "loopholes" that allow purchase from private individuals (non-FFL holders) by state residents, but I believe non residents are prohibited, without going through an FFL.

Considering the info in your post, you may be able to legally buy a handgun from a private individual (if your state law allows), but you may not. Breaking either state or Fed laws (and getting caught) will brand you a felon, and destroy your right to own any and all guns potentially for the rest of your life. Definately not worth the risk. Don't do it.