Good Holster(s) for a FNP9?


New member
Hello everybody, I just picked up a FNP9 and i'm looking to get a couple of holsters.

First will be a range holster, something with a finger release, not strap. Prefferably a paddle.

Second will be a carry holster, I'm not sure if I want an inside the pants or not, but really i'm looking for make/models that will take the FNP9. I can't seem to find any that are made for it.

Any help will be appreciated!
Neither Galco nor Bianchi have anything dedicated to the FNP yet but Galco is going to commence production of their Concealable model soon now. We have orders in but don't expect to see any for at least one month.

Feedback from customers and considerable first hand experience fitting guns to holsters in Texas gun shows has helped us develop a cross-fit database that shows us how to fit guns that aren't well supported in the holster market place.

There are some good holsters out there that fit the FNP well but they just weren't conceived with the FNP in mind.
Thanks for the info! Would you happen to know any current models that work with the FNP9? There's a gun show coming up that I plan on attending, but I don't know if they will let me bring in my pistol to try out holsters.

Again, thanks for the information.