good hand held scanner?


New member
looking for opinions on a good handheld police scanner, something i can plug in to AC, but is still mobile if need be.

thanks -
I'm a cops reporter. We use a Uniden Trunktracker III that works really well. It has outstanding range and works as well as or better than the Ericsson LPE-200 we have rigged up as a scanner as well and that's what the cops here are issued as their 2-way.
I'm surprised any still work. I know that there was talk out here of going to a digital system similar to that used for cell phones. That had to have been 8 or 9 years ago but I haven't researched it since then.
yes i have since found out that my area, is now digital. a digital scanner is in the $500 ballpark, no snooping for me!