Good gun, cheap holster?

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New member
While shopping for my first holster, I read a recommendation that if you buy an expensive gun, don't buy a cheap holster. The problem is after spending $700 on a gun (HK USP 9C), I don't have any more money!

Seriously, I will buy what is best. But, having received such great advice from you, I thought I'd run it by you, first. I spotted a $17 Uncle Mike Sidekick ambidex holster at a local store. Is that sufficient, or do I need to stick to the $100 stuff? (gosh, $17 smacks of "cheap")

David don't have to spend $100.

Unless you're hard over for leather, kydex holsters from any of the well known makers (Mad Dog, Blade-Tech, etc) will run you in the $50-$60 range. I should think you can buy a mass produced leather holster from someone like Galco or Bianchi for around $75.

Shop around...if it's made by a well known company, it'll probably be OK. In general, however, you'll get what you pay for.

David, you can get an excellent custom holster for under $100. Some of the well known names are Mark DeCoveny(M/D Enterprises:, Tony Kanally:, and Lou Alessi: These guys come very highly recommended for the excellent craftmanship at a fair price. I am awaiting a holster/belt combo from M/D Enterprises that should arrive any day now. You cant go wrong with either of these gentlemen.
Good advice. One other thing-don't skimp on the belt. If you have a $100 holster on a $5 belt, it will still flop around, sag, and require constant adjustment. I recommend a 1-1/2 inch wide and 1/8 inch thick leather belt.

I (like you) have been searching for a quality,inexpensive holster as well. I have looked at pretty much all the options and found that this place is the best for quality/cost. They also offer belts designed for their holsters at a great price. normally around $40 for the holster and $40 for the belt.check em out. i believe they are kinda new on the market but they seem to be great !

good luck !

TIM : )
David, I like Uncle Mike's but find that the imitation velvet -like surface begins to wear after about a year.
Guys, help me help David with this - What's that new line of kydex holsters called that showed up in retail gun stores a few months ago? (they don't call it "kydex" - it has its own name) Made in Israel, I think. IIRC, they were at a lower price than a Blade-Tech, et al. I'd do a search but I can't think of the proprietary name. That's gonna be your best bet, I would think.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 08, 1999).]
Dillon Precision (the loading press company) has their own line of holsters that are pretty reasonable and well made.

But if you want a holster that has CLASS contact Lou Alessi. And he is a true gentleman.
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited November 08, 1999).]
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