Good Deer Hunt

Iowa Cornfed

New member
Got back from our hunt in Nebraska. All four hunters tagged out, and my boy killed the biggest of the bunch!

I was using a Remington 700 in .270 and 130 grain Federal Fusion ammo. At 100 yards I hit my buck right behind the shoulder for a double lung shot. He still went on an 80 yard death run, but the Fusion performed as advertized.

My boy used a Browning BAR in '06, again using 150 grain Federal Fusion ammo. His shot was at 204 range finder yards, and was a tad high and a tincy back, as he hit him high in the back and dropped him like a rock. Broken spine, and since he was flailing his head around trying to get up, he gave another finishing shot.

I caped his out today for a shoulder mount and got it down to the taxidermist.

I've uploaded 3 pictures, but am not sure if they'll show up in this post. I may have to do some more reading up on how to get that to happen.

If they do, my boy's the one on the far right with the biggest one. Only his second buck, so he was pumped to say the least. (And his old man was pretty proud too!!!)

The other 2 pictures are of his caped head, and my buck in the truck.

I hope they show up so I don't have any more tinkering around to do on how to post pix!!!

But it was a blast, and we saw most weather extreams. Driving over on Friday it was 84 degrees and we had to use the A/C, wind and rain by Saturday evening, and by Tuesday a storm dropped about 4" of snow and the wind was unreal. Sitting on stand Wednesday morning it was a balmy 12 degrees. The whole trip was a hoot, but doing it with my son, my brother-in-law and his son just made it even better. Took tons of pictures, not that we won't remember it anyway!

If the pix don't show up, I'll keep trying to find out how and will maybe post 'em later.
[Inserted images by Long Path]


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Wow! Nice deer! You guys did well. Congratulations, and welcome to Nebraska! :D

I think it was way too hot for deer hunting before the snow hit. Deer just don't seem to move around when it is so warm. Where specifically in Nebraska were you guys hunting?

I took a couple of does on Thursday; I was hunting with a guy and his grandson, who is 11. We were about 30 miles South of Omaha, near Plattsmouth in Cass County. The kid was on his first deer hunt, and he shot his first buck with a .25-06. It was a good-sized buck. We were all really excited for him. At the end of the night, the kid was so amped that all he could do was talk about his buck. :) I'll bet he didn't get to sleep until 3 a.m.!

Once again, congratulations!
very nice

My queendom (if I had one) for a chance to hunt up there. My dad lives in southwest Missouri and one of these years, the hubster and I are going to go visit him at an auspicious time! (Wish as a MO native I could get a resident hunting license there...oughta try that line of logic when I apply, ha ha).

Springmom the envious ;)
Fremmer - We were over around O'Neill. We live just 25 miles North of Omaha on the Iowa side. I used to live in Fremont back in the mid-70's through late 80's. It's great to see kids get excited about hunting, and bagging a buck will only help them keep their interest in our sport. My boy is a senior at South Dakota State and this is only his 2nd buck. He's killed does before but this was excitement to the extream for him!!!

Ssgmac27 - I too can only hope for Iowa to get a little more liberal with the rifle areas. Hopfully they'll see there isn't any real downside to it.

Springmom - I once had some relation from Arkansas come up to Nebraska to Phesant hunt back in the day. My cousin brought along his father-in-law, and they were wondering if it'd be necessary for them to buy out-of-state permits. I told them they had to, that the fine was way worse than the cost of the permit. One thing I remember my cousins father-in-law saying was "When I went off to war, I didn't go just for Arkansas, I went for the whole country..." And of course the conversation went into why they could or could not have a national license, etc. That'd cure your probs too!!!!
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nice!!!! you should send your post into federal. it would make a great ad for their fusion ammo. we also tagged out this past weekend as far as bucks go. one 10pt one 9pt two 8 pointers all nice bucks. have to get pics together.
Boy we did have a good time!

Yeah, the big fella must have had a tussle 'cuz he was missing a brow tine, but it must have been early as it was totally healed over. He also had a couple of scars that had calloused over on his right eye, but I assume they were from another year altoghether. They reminded me of how a tree limb looks a couple of years after a cut.

I maybe should get back with Federal to let 'em know how things turned out. I had been e-mailing back and forth with them prior to the season, trying to figure out if the Federal Power-Shok were the same as the old Federal Classic, and the Federal guy I was talking to said they were so impressed with the Fusion ammo, that his son (who's 30 and very particular) was going to use the Fusion on his upcoming hunt.

Do post those bucks pix Kwkoch, that'd be neat to see. And Congrats!
Congradulations on your real great hunt. Also thanks for the info on the ammo. I will have to try them out myself. Congradulations again on the VERRY nice deer!