Good deal now what ?


Ok i was at the range with a friend he was shooting a 625 and a colt anaconda.My friend was showing his new 625 to a gunsmith and the smith told him that the gun had a misaligned cylinder and it would cost more than it was worth to fix.

Well this came as a surprise since he just bought it used but well taken care of 100%bore98% overall so the smith offered him 45.00 bucks(if it was not worth fixing he would not do that would he) he said he would think about it and then i told him that i would give him 50.00 knowing that if for some reason i couldnt fix the problem i would have a pair of grips and a replacment frame for my 625 he said ok.

I got it home and all i can see is wrong is that the cylinder wobbles slightly thats all so how can i tell what is worn

I agree with Joe; don't take that "bird's" word for a damn
thing.:( Sounds like he's a member of that "something for
nothing" crowd. that just left the oval office.:D:)

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
There is a slight rotational play in ALL S&W revolver cylinders. It is no problem. BTW, how did the "gunsmith" know the cylinder was "misaligned". Did he have a .45 range rod in his pocket?

Sometimes you can tell by eyeball, but I think the guy thought he had a good racket going.

Sounds like that "gunsmith" was tryin to steal it.

That said, "fix it" means many things to different people. It is quite possible that that gun would require more in parts and labor to bring it up to some peoples standards than it was worth.

Not long ago I retired a 686 that was pretty well shot out after less than two years and under 30 thousand rounds. The grips, barrel and sights were fine. The rest of it would have required so much work that it was far less expensive to replace it.

Hard to win tho.....I have yet to see a new stainless S&W that had fit and function that was acceptable to me. Couple hundred bucks worth of work will usually dial em in but why bother. I was already pretty fed up with the workmanship and durability on their stainless guns when they signed the agreement. Now I have two reasons to only buy the older carbon steel models.

Rant over.

If it is not so far out of time that it is throwing pieces of bullet to the side (check all chambers) and shoots adequatly well for you. Keep it and enjoy it.

Thanks for the replies

The gun does shoot very nice and feels like the action is perfect.
I do believe that the forcing cone is shaving some lead/copper because i can see some lead buildup on the inside of the forcingcone and on the outside only on the Right side and i scraped it off and put 100 230grain jhp's through it and the build up did not return.

I really dont like the guy i got it from (I use the word friend to lightly)but he has been nice to me :rolleyes: so i dont mind takeing it from him even if it is shot to $hi*.

I doubt it is totaly crapped out i will probalby shoot this one and therfore keeping my newer 625 in tip top shape but if it can be fixed i will do that.

Sadly the only smith around here is the one that told him it was broke and i wouldnt want to drive for hours just to find out its crapped out for good

Thanks for the help :D

Smith and Wesson has a lifetime warranty on guns made since 1990 or so, and that M625 is certainly in that era. Call the factory at 800-331-0852 and tell them your concerns and they might even provide a "free" shipping container and freight cost.
If you have any problems with any of your other guns, I'd recommend against taking it to that gunsmith.

As much as S&W has political problems now, I have to say that they still make quality guns, and their customer service is excellent. I had some problems with my 342ti. I called them, and they immediately sent me a FedEx label with free shipping to them. They mailed me when they got it, and had it perfectly repaired and shipped back to me within 2 weeks. No charge, including no charge for shipping either way!

If you have a problem, call S&W. Chances are that they will fix it for free.
Really i thought that i had to be the orignal owner and have the warrenty card.

I well give them a ring tomorrow

Thanks :D