Good buy ?

Yep... lead is a buck a pound on lots of forums + shipping. If anybody is paying more than $75 for a 65# box of lead..... they would save money if they shopped around. Even the "expensive" guys are getting $35 for a 25# box, and that's still $1.16/lb + shipping.

I'm gonna miss wheel weights when they're gone...... virgin lead is pretty darn expensive.
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Good buy ?
If the majority of the 250 lbs you receive is clip on wheel weights and stick on wheel weights. You hit the jack pot of deals Sir.

Good Buy?
I would say yes and I would buy it. Just hope the WW are mostly lead and not a truck load of Zinc and Iron.
I bought about 300lbs 3 or 4 years ago for $70.00 Lotsa stems and other jumk to sort thru as well as zinc and steel, maybe 10%. I now get WWs for free but steel and zinc content many be as much as 30%.
He states they will all be lead. But I will go through them all.

Just a quick question: is there a sure fire way to pick out the zinc weights out of them ?
For sorting out the zinc. Lead weightst tend to be more rounded. Also Zn will be on the zinc weights most of the time. The lead ones will have a P on them.

If in doubt smack them with a hammer. The lead ones will flatten out. The Zinc ones will not flatten out much at all.

If you can keep the melt temperature to under 725 degrees the zinc ones will float to the top, and you can skim them off.

Also make sure to melt down wheel weights outside, or have a whole lot of ventilation. The will smell of burned tires, and will give off carbon monoxide.
than you , very good info.

I do all my melting and fluxing in my garage with alot of cross ventalation. Then poured into bars to be ready for the production pot.
I saw a U-Tube of a guy using a big steel bolt to test. Lead, Steel and zinc make different sounds when tapped against the steel bolt.
After a few tries you can easily heard the difference when tapping the weights.
it's free around here, i get about 75-80 pounds of WW every time i look, maybe i'll toss the mechanic 5-10$ if he has a big buckets worth, but most are still glad to give it away as long as it is not a chain store. i end up with about 10-15% of that being iron and zinc. but unless you live in NY or CALI, you really dont need to pay, just do some footwork.

my method is have a wire clipper, if you can crimp the weight it's lead, if you can''s not. after you do it for a couple days you'll be able to tell the difference pretty easily just by looking on 90% of them.