Good Book on Deer Hunting


New member
I am just getting started hunting deer and would like any recommendations on good books about Deer Hunting (mostly whitetail in Kentucky). I would like to get one really good book that covers everything from getting started to field dressing.
I don't know what book to tell you to get. I can tell you what to look to avoid in least in the South. Look at the section on stand hunting...specifically stand placement. If the primary point is "place your stand by acorns" then get another book.

Where I hunt in Georgia is in the middle of several hundred acres of oak trees. Every year before hunting season my buddies and I scout and look for stand locations. During this it never fails that someone looks up and says,"Place your stand by acorns." Whereupon we all snicker.
Year in, year out, the "Big Three" huntin'/fishin' magazines have articles which are aimed at the "Newbie". Sports Afield, Field & Stream, and Outdoor Life.

The insert cards for subscriptions in the magazines usually give a heckuva good price for a beginning subscription. Do it.

:), Art

I personally find North American Whitetail to be both very informative and entertaining. It has a wide range of articles from personal hunts to stand placements, food plots, etc. It seems more geared to the "common" hunter than some of the other mags I have read that spend more time on articles on more elite hunt$. You might want to pick up a copy and give it a try.
I feel that the classic book, "shots at whitetails" by Larry Koller is simply the best book on hunting deer ever written. It covers every aspect of the deer hunt. Since it was written many years ago, a lot of it is outdated, particularly the chapter on which gun to use. His choices are still valid, but there are many other guns and cartridges now that simply did not exist in 1948. The sections on how to hunt though, will never go out of style. Another pretty good bood is by Ken Heuser, called "The Whitetail Deer Guide". "Hunting Whitetails Successfully" by J. Wayne Fears has a lot of good information too. Probably the best source of info is the old guys around where you live that have been filling their deer tags year in and year out.
Thanks guys.
I'll take a look at some of the ones you listed. I got a couple guys I'm going to go with. I just started gettin cabin fever and figured I would do some reading.