Good American history book?


New member
Hi all...

I want to beef up my understanding and knowledge of American history. Can anyone recommend any particular titles I should look for? I am looking for something thorough and as unbiased (and un'revised') as possible, something as true to America and her history as I can get.

BAB, I don't know of a good, current book on American history. But, since you're posting this on TFL, I assume you have some interest in the history of the RKBA. Pick up 'That Every Man be Armed' by Stephen Halbrook. And, if you want to meet the man, he will probably be at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in St. Louis during 9/99 - see .

Regards from AZ.
I would recommend buying one that was written before 1960. Since that date, the history books have included revisionist politically motivated history that attempts to rewrite history to include the contributions of various ethnic, gender, and politically motivated interest groups. In modern history books, you will not see many of the founding fathers.
The best US history text of which I am aware is The Growth of the American Republic, by Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager. (Oxford University Press.) M&C have long been revered as the most respected authorites in American History. My edition, an old one from my long ago college days, is in two volumes. This was considered the definitive text, pre-PC. The language is chatty and informal, the text liberally illustrated with maps, the scholarship formidable. No one should make pretense of understanding the development of the Nation without a thorough familiarity with this history. slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.

[This message has been edited by slabsides (edited July 28, 1999).]
A someone with a PhD in a Humanities discipline and who wrote a dissertation with a historical approach, I suggest you do not worry too much about what history has been "revised" or not. Historians are people too who have a point of view just as everyone else does. Also, history writing has fads and trends that come and go as well. You have to sort through it all and find what suits you.

So, if you are reading a history book that offends you, drop it, walk away, and go find something else since there are plenty of different perspectives (conservative, liberal, and radical) around for your pleasure and edification.

However, instead of only relying upon an anthology or collection of treatments on American history, supplement your knowledge by reading some of the original writings that compose the historical record. A good book for this task is _100 Key Documents in American Democracy_, edited by Peter B. Levy (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1994).

BTW, women and minorities have made significant contributions to U.S. history and are a part of the American social and political landscape. Any history book that blatantly ignores them is a waste of time.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
I too wanted to refresh myself on American History and recently purchased a book published by DK Publishing. It is a Chronicle that leads you year by year, starting in 1606 and ending in 1997. It is entitled "Chronicle of America." I'm an avid reader and this book has been a very resourceful tool. Be prepared to read, because it is about two inches thick!
BAB, please excuse the off-topic post. But, it would appear that LadydeeJ has only recently joined us. I would assume by your 'handle' that you are a woman, and if so, we are even more happy to make your acquaintance. We need more women to take an interest in the subject of firearms and the philosophy of the RKBA. Welcome to TFL.

Regards from AZ.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 29, 1999).]
Thanks Jeff.
A friend sent me to TFL over a month ago. I have enjoyed it so much that I return delay to find the newest topics. I especially like the debates. Leaving my opinions on politics and weapons will be useless, but by reading the entrys given by members, I'm learning more on the issues. Even though I may find it difficult to reply to some of the topics, I am reading and enjoying. Thanks again...
leaving your opinions is not useless. you have come here to find information, and we hope,a little humor as well. we can listen and learn from your viewpoint as well. it may well be that we won't agree, but feel free to jump in, and welcome!
I would look for a book on the U.S. Constitution. We all should be defenders of the Constitution. One should always keep the Constitution in mind when reading American history. After you have a good understand of that, then find a High School American History text. As you scan the text you will identify area that you will want to know more about, Now is the time to head for the book store or library. American History is a big subject to cover in one book.

Awww, LadydeeJ,

We argue among ourselves but it's just our way of letting off steam, trying to convice the other guy our point is better than his, or sometimes just to show him we agree with his views stronger than HE does! :)

Even when we disagree, we'd fight anyone who says they don't have a right to their opinion. (Besides, if we REALLY wanna git down and dirty, we go to e-mail.)

If your user name means, "Lady D(isk) J(ockey), just think how some folks may argue over which is better, country or western! They both like the best music there is.

(Betcha the Blues Man gits me fer that one!)

Ma'am, just jump in! We have some other ladies on TFL to keep us straight (and shame us sometimes) so you'll be safe and in good company.
Sorry Dennis I'm not a DJ, but if I were, well...I'd listen to all my favorite rock music and never want to leave work! Actually it was a misprint on my part. I was supposed to name myself LadeeJ and got carried away with my lettering. *grin* Goes to show none of us are perfect.
Giving my opinions on TFL would be a mistake. Anyone who knows me can tell you I have a very short fuse. This surely is not a characteristic I admire in myself, but none the less, exists. For now, I'll leave the debates up to you guys and fume on my end silently.
I can tell you that the latest debate I've followed closely has been the one located at the political forum entitled "Gestapo Live and Well in Maryland." It seems to have calmed down a bit now.
Sorry we have detoured your topic BAB.
Warmest Regards J
Yep. Had to avoid that one myself. And I've blistered the front of my ole monitor a couple times as well! ;)
Take care.
My kids' history books told lots about civil rights but virtually ignored the Revolutionary War period. Their take on the Civil War was so one-sided I had to hold additional "equal-time" sessions at home.

Therefore, I can't recommend much from today's schools. Believe the folks here and at bookstores might be a possibility (as you already know). Sorry for the lack of help.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 30, 1999).]
Thanks for all the suggestions everybody. I'll soon start acting on them.

And as for all of you who strayed from the original done me wrong! I know where you live, and I'm coming to git ya! I may go a little easier on you should you let me shoot a couple of your firearms, however :)

Seriously, I don't mind getting off topic one bit. I enjoy nearly all contributions, on or off topic! And besides, in this case it was for a good cause: to welcome a new member! So let me chime in and say welcome LadydeeJ! :)

BAB, trying to stay at least a little cheery in light of the lastest mass shooting.

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited July 30, 1999).]