Gonna make a pro-gun flyer...need advice please!


New member
I was at university yesterday and saw this little flyer taped to a wall. It said "stop the war against youth" and talked about how youth crimes were way down etc and that we don't need more youth laws.

Anyway, it got me thinking. Since I sat there and read that little flyer, why don't I make my own and hope a few people read it?

So, I want to make a flyer and post it up everywhere I go, especially on campus and elsewhere.

I want to include a few hard hitting facts that will get people's attention. Things that apply to everyone and are attention-grabbing.

Then at the bottom of the flyer I was going to put a couple web addresses where people can get more information. I would of course ask permission of these web page owners before I give out their address.

I am not into advertising, but I figure it should be short and to the point, hard hitting and not long winded. The web addresses will get people to look into it further if they want to know more.

So, I need advice. First, I need some web sites I can send people too that will educate them on gun facts and out rights, and the benefit of guns to our society.

Also, I need some good quotes that I can put on the flyer. Generally, like gun facts that are supported by refernces (I want to make sure these gun quotes are "bullet proof" and referenced).

So, how about some advice? Gimme some good one-liners that would look good on the flyer, along with references if needed.

Stuff like: "Did you know gun crimes are at an all time low since XXX?" or " Did you know that it is proven that more guns in a society reduce crime levels".
I would like to reference these facts to the DOJ or FBI or wherever they can be referenced.

I would also like any advice on how to lay it out etc. I am a biochem major, so advertising is not my forte.

Thanks!!! I want to do my little part, and I figure this could be a way for me to educate people by just leaving flyers wherever I go.
I think you'll find all of the graphics and quotes you need from dd-b.net/RKBA. It is one of the firing lines members and it has to be one of the greatest RKBA websites ever. The graphics are so awesome as to make the most ardent gun grabber into an uzi totin' bullet sprayin (safely at the range of course) human rights soldiers! Do yourself a favor and visit this site.
I had the same idea a while back and used one of my own images: http://www.dd-b.net/RKBA/ccw/s_dont.jpg along with a link to the local pro-CCW org web site.

Perhaps more text would have been better:, something like http://dd-b.net/olegv/newphotos/lifesavers/s_support.jpg

I imagine that a large poster with a pocket for cards that people could take with them would work best.

Feel free to use anything from my site...and let me know if I can help with custom graphics.


Thanks for the linkkjm. I will have to contact the owner of dd-b.net/RKBA and see if I can put it on my flyer.

Thanks also Oleg, I love your site. I appreciate the invitation to use your work.
heres an unfair flyer

gangbangers are counted as children
Ok, advice.

1. Don't talk about the Second Amendment.
2. Don't talk about inconvenience to gun owners or target shooters.
3. Do talk about personal protection, especially in the home.
4. Do talk about why those who won't protect you don't want you to protect yourself.
5. Talk about the uselessness of court orders. ("Susan got a protection order from the court. She couldn't get a gun permit. She died with the court order in her hand.")

My suggestion would be to make more than one flyer. Some people may not respond to your first one, but a persistent message may work.
The liberals use that: Say something enough times and it becomes the truth.

The second flyer may, for example, have a female slant to it. While you're trying to reach women with that message, that could also work for men who are concerned about how to protect a wife or girlfriend.

When you finally do make your flyers, let us take a look. Someone else might be able to use your ideas.

Good luck.
I did the very same thing at my college several years ago. The only thing I can add is to make many, many copies--go down to one of those office supply warehouses and get at least 1000 copies of each flyer after you finalize it.

Expect that what you post will be quickly torn down by brainwashed, budding statist students or their Trotskyite professor-handlers. You'll probably have to replace what you post several times a day if you want to keep the message alive, so be prepared with plenty of copies, tape, and thumbtacks at your disposal. Also, your task will be much easier if you have help.

Good luck!