Gone Hunting!

I'm out of the pocket until Monday nite (3/1) on a Hog Hunt. Not that this is so important to you all, but I've tried to develop a rep for answering emails to Members as quickly as possible.

So if you contact me and don't hear back immediately, you know why.
Regards to all,
Tell us about it when you get back! Is it a knife hunt, as we have discussed on the knife-related forums?

I have requested that Rich wait until we go hunting together before he takes his first pig with a knife.. Otherwise I am sure he would've dug his Mad Dog Panther into a piggy this week. ;)
No joy. But let me tell you about the one that got away! How big was he, you ask? Well, I'm glad you asked that question.

He was so freakin' big that I could hear his testicles knockin' together from a quarter mile! Actual tusks...just like an elephant! When I spotted him he was carrying a small cow in his jaws! *He was big*!

Actually, I went out at the invite of the Florida head of the National Wildlife Foundation. They tried their best to get me a good hunt and placed me in a tree stand in sight of a corn feeder. Just before dawn, I heard a couple coming thru the brush. I only caught a glimpse of a large shape behind the bushes. They never stopped. Heard a couple more in the brush just after dawn. Spotted a good sized Florida bobcat. Then silence.

We spent the rest of the day riding around in a swamp buggy and getting a good education on the local deer, bear, bobcat, panther and otters. Took a great picture of me in my cammo with a bunch of very dangerous looking cows.

Did about two hours of target shooting. A great day, all in all.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited March 01, 1999).]