golden rod


does anyone use 2 goldenrods in their safe
mine is in the garage and in cold weather, I use one goldenrod and temp. drops to about 32 and humid. about 60%, never had any rust only cold guns and ammo
It's colder than 32F outside in Akron right now. About the same across the lake. You're almost directly south of here. 132 miles. snicker.
Anyway, it's more about changes in temperature that matter. Rapid changes means condensation. Condensation is what causes rusting. I don't think your garage is a great place for your firearms(mostly just on the principle of having my toys close to me.), but if the temperatures/humidity are fairing constant and there's no condensation you should be ok.
A Goldenrod is really an oddly shaped light bulb. A 25 watt light bulb does the same thing.
thank you for the input. my garage gets in the 30,s but I see no condensation build up on the firearms. humd. is always in the normal zone high normal, low normal but never goes above or below. safe has been in the garage for 2 years now. will try a 25w bulb long with the rod I have
thanks again
cold then 50 and rain and then ice here