Going to Texas for hogs?


New member
I recently got in touch through Face book with some cousins that I use to play with as a kid. Come to find out they live in Texas and have a fairly big Hog problem. They invited me down to come help cure the problem. :D

From what I hear there are lots of them but they are not as big as what I see on the internet. I am excited cause first of all the hunt is FREE and it will be a chance to get back in touch with some family that I have not seen for 30 years!

Any way I asked them what guns to bring and they are talking things like 44mags and 45-70s. I do own a 44 magnum Henry but it is a heavy beast. I have a 45-70 marlin as well. I am sure what every I bring (so long as its big enough) will be fine but what do people that hunt hogs often use? My last hog hunt (which cost me a small fortune) I brought a pump action Remington 30-06.

They say there typical size is about 100lbs with a few 150-175lbs. The biggest they have ever gotten there was 190 so like said earlier they are not as big as others but he says there is lots of them!

so I need a recommendation of a rifle. On my hip I will carry a 357 magnum with heavy bullets...
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Smaller type pigs are not hard to kill....I like lever actions..pumps..and autos....Something with multiple quick shots....The 30-06 sounds good to me....U can line up 2 or 3 and get multiple with the first shot....
If you can get close enough to them, and if damaging meat isn't a concern I would think a nice 2 3/4 sabbot would do the trick as well as any large caliber rifle.
30-06 is more than enough. You'll find they scatter pretty quick at the first shot. They run alot faster than you think.
The 06 is more than enough. It will pay if you can't get close. In close the .44 rifle will be perfect. Keep in mind its all about where you place the shot. I have done well with my Ruger 77 in .223 placing my shots into the side of head. Drops them like a sack of cement.
Texas Hog Hunting

There are few things in this world that I can say I am an expert in (in fact I can only name two(: ) but hog hunting in Texas is one of those things. (shooting ducks is the other). First of all I personally wouldn't recommend a 45-70. Its not that its a bad caliber (personally i love the 45-70, its a very powerful round) but the thing is it isn't the cheapest round to shoot and for the size hog you mentioned (100 pounders) you don't need that much power. Believe me, I have shot hogs with alot of different calibers. When it comes to hunting hog, the gun you use should be based off of what your planning on doing. if your planning on shooting one massive hog then 7mm bolt action is hard to beat, but it sounds to me like your trying to get rid of multiple hogs. For such a task there isn't a "Best" gun to use, its just what works best for you. I for one would use a 30-30 lever action. why you might ask? because, the 30-30 can be bought for an affordable price (i paid 14 dollars for my last box of 20 which I got just a month or two ago), the 30-30 is also I fairly accurate caliber, I usually don't use 30-30 for more than 250 yard but it can be done. Not to mention that the 30-30 is a light kicking caliber, so you should have no problem taking multiple shots before the herd can get away. Me and my brother have taken 10 hogs in one shooting before ( we both had lever actions. I had a 30-30 which held 6 rounds and he had a .44 which held 10), with that being said I think 30-30 is a wonderful round, but if you don't have one of those I would go with the .44 magnum.... yeah it can be heavy but those extra rounds could pay off. you mentioned you carried a .357 on your hip. the .357 is a great caliber, unfortunately hogs can be hard to put down, in case of one charging you (not likely to happen but its happened before) i would carry Hornady critical defense if I were you. good luck with the hunting, and post pictures if you get any hogs!
Got back from a hunt 3 weeks ago in Oklahoma. 4 were dropped with a 308, 2 with 30-06, and two with 44 Mag in a Big Boy Henry. Smallets around 115lbs, biggest pushing 200, none as tough as I thought they were going to be.
Don't want to rain on your parade, and I think all hogs need killed because they are so destructive but....you need a hunting license to shoot hogs in Texas. There is no closed season and no limit but if you keep any part of the hog, or are doing it as a sport, by Texas game laws you are hunting. If the hogs are destroying land or crops then the hogs can be shot without a license, but mostly that exception is limited to the landowner. Call texas parks and wildlife and ask. Would not want you to get in trouble.
i really depends on how you hunt the hogs. iv killed hogs with buckshot, a 1911, a 357, and a couple with a 270. if you are walking around and jumping them from cover the 45-70 or 44 is perfect but if you are hunting over bait pretty much any scoped centefire will work well for ear canal shots. have fun on your hunt!
+ 1 on the 30-30 I use a Winchester Model 94.
It's short and light to carry all day, and has quick follow up shots.
Bring whatever you can shoot accurately. A well placed round from about any centerfire rifle will put a hog down.I've killed more with a .223 to the head than any other round I shoot.
We have some mighty fine big girls you might run into at a local watering hole. In that case your best caliber is a couple of rounds of longnecks and a big smile. Knowing how to dance will help some also...:)
I have the Remington 760 pump in .06, never been hog hunting but seems like it would have sufficient power as well as follow up shots if need be.

Sounds like as good as anything..and better than most.....
twobit said:
Don't want to rain on your parade, and I think all hogs need killed because they are so destructive but....you need a hunting license to shoot hogs in Texas.

As for what to bring, if they're just 100#ers I'd go with a .223 75 gr hornady hp, you'll be over 1050 ft/lbs up to 100 yards.
I have decided to go with a 45-70 because that is what the land owners use and I want to go along with them. The trip is set up for Feb 15 to Feb 25th. I plan to hunt every day but Sundays (yes I am a religious man) So that gives me a solid 7 days of hunting, 2 days of relaxing and 2 days of travel.

Sounds like fun. Ill get a Texas hunting Licence. Ill let you guys know how it goes.