Going to be in IL & WI


OK, so I am going to be traveling in WI and IL. I plan on having my pistol with me. I understand I can't C & C in either State. But, once I cross into those States, what do I need to do to stay within their laws?

And, In IL, I will be in Crook County and within Chicago City Limits some of the time.

Any obligation to inform as to CCH holder or possession of arms in the vehicle?

In Illinois, you'll need to place the firearm, unloaded, into a case and secure it. In vehicle, the case can be the glovebox, or even a center console.

YMMV in Chicago and or Cook county.
Chicago is crafty about their ordinance. There is a clause for interstate transportation,

8-20-090 Interstate transportation of firearms
It shall not be a violation of this chapter if a person transporting a firearm or ammunition while engaged in interstate travel is in compliance with 18 U.S.C.A 926A. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that any person within the city for more than 24 hours is not engaged in interstate travel, and is subject to the provisions of this chapter.

The way I read that is that technically after 24hrs if you were found in possession a cop could take your firearm and fine you then you would have to go to court to get it reversed or pay the fine and lose your firearm. In practice, I imagine it would be up to the cop on site whether they even believed you had been in the city less than 24hrs, which makes it iffy to me. and I wouldn't want to find out how long it takes the CPD to return a firearm.

I was told during my CFP class, hard lockable(doesn't have to be locked) case, unloaded with the ammunition in a separate container, ie no loaded mag in the same container as the pistol. I cannot find documentation for this, in the Chicago Ordinance, it may be from Cook County or just something my CFP instructor came to believe. Either way, I'd go fully inaccessible storage for your time in Chicago/Cook County.
What about mag size? My 9 mm Sig is 15 count. The Kimber 45 cal is 7. I have a lockable case and I also have a console safe. Guess I can lock the guns in those and keep the ammo in a separate case in the back of the truck.

Suppose I'll have to buy a metal ball bat for protection! :D
Cook county stipulates 10rds, Chicago's conflicts at 12 rds, but since Chicago is in Cook county, 10 is the safe number.
My wife's family lives in Illinois and, while I try to avoid going there (for firearms related issues, NOT her family ... :D) when we do visit, the gun is locked in the trunk, in a locked case, with the ammo in a separate case ... not sure I have to get quite that elaborate, but I do anyhow ... I hope IL residents keep plugging away, your pols will have to cave sooner or later (see Wisconsin).