Going to a concert at Qwest field, can I carry?


New member
On tomorrow my wife and I are going to go watch U2 play at Qwest field, can I carry or do they have metal detectors and such that will prevent me from carrying? The idea of being in that part of Seattle without a gun is not a pleasant one.

Thanks guys.
What does your state statutes say about carrying in large venues? It may be on the list of no no's.
RCW 70.108.150
Firearms -- Penalty.
It shall be unlawful for any person, except law enforcement officers, to carry, transport or convey, or to have in his possession or under his control any firearm while on the site of an outdoor music festival.

Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days and not more than ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment.

[1972 ex.s. c 123 § 5.]


RCW 70.108.020
For the purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the indicated meanings:

(1) "Outdoor music festival" or "music festival" or "festival" means an assembly of persons gathered primarily for outdoor, live or recorded musical entertainment, where the predicted attendance is two thousand persons or more and where the duration of the program is five hours or longer: PROVIDED, That this definition shall not be applied to any regularly established permanent place of worship, stadium, athletic field, arena, auditorium, coliseum, or other similar permanently established places of assembly for assemblies which do not exceed by more than two hundred fifty people the maximum seating capacity of the structure where the assembly is held: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That this definition shall not apply to government sponsored fairs held on regularly established fairgrounds nor to assemblies required to be licensed under other laws or regulations of the state.

(2) "Promoter" means any person or other legal entity issued a permit to conduct an outdoor music festival.

(3) "Applicant" means the promoter who has the right of control of the conduct of an outdoor music festival who applies to the appropriate legislative authority for a license to hold an outdoor music festival.

(4) "Issuing authority" means the legislative body of the local governmental unit where the site for an outdoor music festival is located.

(5) "Participate" means to knowingly provide or deliver to the festival site supplies, materials, food, lumber, beverages, sound equipment, generators, or musical entertainment and/or to attend a music festival. A person shall be presumed to have knowingly provided as that phrase is used herein after he has been served with a court order.

[1971 ex.s. c 302 § 21.]

So, I guess the questions should be, "how long is this concert?" and "are they selling standing-room-only tickets?" :D
The idea of being in that part of Seattle without a gun is not a pleasant one.

And feeding Bonos anti gun agenda with your ticket cost is pleasant?:cool:

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