Going out West travelling question...


New member
Hi all. Newby here. Got a question. Heading out West in a couple days for 3 weeks vacation and am taking my Glock 27 with my 33 barrel in it. I have a Indiana license and a Utah license to carry,but am going through the minefields; Illinois,Iowa,Nebraska,Cal,etc. AND am driving a SUV with no trunk. NOW..... how what where do I PUT the darn thing in these situations? I have a lockable gunbag and am taking my lockable Saf-T-Blok trigger lock with too,and will probably put both on and lock gun in glovebox. I understand some jurisdictions indicate no glovebox,but I have NO TRUNK to put the thing in! So..........what to do? I'm afraid if I'm stopped,my licenses will come up on the computer and I'll be asked do I have a gun with me. THEN what? Yea,its triple locked in the glove box...... ??? Any ideas?
When I had to travel from Daytona, FL, to Monterey, CA, I had no idea what laws applied so I improvised. (This was 20-odd years ago.)

I figured if I was "caught" with the guns, I could be tried in court and I wanted to look as "moral" as possible and have grounds for a later appeal, if necessary.

I dis-assembled my handguns and separated the parts into two toolboxes. I put all ammo in a third toolbox. All three were padlocked. I hoped that would show enough "intent" to satisfy any officer or court. I also had copies of the purchase receipts (with serial numbers) in the toolbox that held the frames.

I put all three toolboxes in the trunk and put all my luggage and junk on top of them. Few police would want to spend the time unloading the trunk unless they really had a reason to hassle me.

I have NO idea whether or not I was "legal" then or whether this is the way for you to go - but it sure would show you had no gun readily available! Even in an SUV or hatchback.

I recommend you call the NRA for details. BTW, there is some sort of federal "safe passage" law - perhaps the NRA can help you with that also.

Notice I steered clear of what to tell the officer if he asks, "Got any guns?" Hopefully someone else will clear THAT minefield....

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 08, 1999).]