"Going Off" Lunacy

Otherwise know as "Stupidity For The Children". See the following...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Armed in-laws risky to children"

The Palm Beach Post, Wednesday, December 15, 1999

Dear Abby: I need some advice on how to handle a sticky situation with my in-laws. My husband's father carries a concealed handgun in his pocket, and in addition to this, his wife carries one in her purse. My father-in-law is in his early 70s, and it was not until recently that I learned they carried these weapons everywhere they go. This includes our home.

We have a child under the age of 1, and I am so afraid the gun may go off while my father-in-law is holding our child. The other posibility is that it may go off in a public place. My father-in-law does have a concealed gun permit, but the thought of his gun going off by accident and injuring our child or someone else has really upset me.

My husband says if it really bothers me, I should say something to his father. How should I bring this up to the in-laws if my husband will not talk to his dad about this?

I really do want to have a good relationship with my in-laws, but guns in my house or around my child at any time will not be tolerated. Please help! -- Desperate in Dallas

Dear Desperate:
Tell you pistol-packing in-laws that the world may be dangerous and scary place, but they are safe when they are within the confines of your home.

Dear Abby appears daily. Write to her in care of The Palm Beach Post, P.O. Box 24700, West Palm Beach, Fla. 33416-4700.[/quote]

Rant Number One - "Go Off"? How may times are the cerebrally-challenged going to metronomically spout this drivel? "Desperate" uses it no less than three times in a single paragraph! The mass media bray it sycophantically in almost every shooting. What are the odds of a firearm "going off" of its own volition, barring any outside influence? Does not the writer fear her kitchen knives might suddenly "cut off", and thereby inflict injury? Or that her car might "drive off", terrorizing pedestrians and non-mechanical motorists?

Rant Number Two - "Guns Around My Child"? Is "Desperate" going to demand police officers maintain a mile-and-a-half distance from her offspring, because their sidearms might suddenly "anti-sympathetically" detonate? Perhaps she should consider moving off-world, we seem to have lots of ICBM's here that might just be plotting to launch themselves. Hey, it happened in a movie I saw once...

Rant Number Three - "Safe Confines" Whatever leads you to this assertion, "Abby"? (Side note: Isn't "Abby" two middle-aged guys? How wierd is that?) Safe from miscreant handguns with self-determination? Safe from a gun take-away by a scheming one-year-old with bad genes? Safe from their dottering old "70"-ish selves? Maybe "Desperate"'s father-in-law was a Ranger at Point-du-Hoc in '44, and feels he can trust himself with his own safety. Did you consider this?
Great rants!! I agree. To the uneducated, the gun just "going off" is a terrible danger!
On the other hand, if the in-laws are asked to leave their guns at home, I feel they should respect the wishes of the homeowner. And then they can make a decision as to whether to go back to a home where a ccw is not welcome.

So many a'holes-- so few bullets!------
Ford Fairlane
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>(Side note: Isn't "Abby" two
middle-aged guys? How wierd is that?)[/quote]

Nope, Abby and her biological twin sister, Ann Landers, are ancient old women. Both are liberal and senile Dr. Laura's.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I once responded to a call for service (two women living in an apartment had their smoke detector going off and called 911, they couldn't smell any smoke and they wanted the police to check it before they embarressed themslves by having 30 firemen in their house, so the dispatcher sent a squad car)anyway after replacing the battery in their smoke detector, one of them asked me how I could carry a gun, wasn't I worried it it would go off? All I could think of to say was to ask them if they were worried their cars would suddenly start and drive away. It never ceases to amaze me what mythical powers people give those evil inanimate objects.

Dear Blabby,

I am an emmotion bag of hysterical ignorance. Since you too are a bag of hot ignorant gas, I thought that you might be able to help me feel safe since my ignorant husband offers no information that would be of help, I am just an insecure mess!!!....

You see, my father in law is in his 70s and has a.....well.....gas problem. Whenever he comes over to visit he does this discusting thing of asking my child to pull his finger. He also smokes. He raids my kitchen cabinents looking for baking soda all of the time. Did I tell you that he is also a smoker.....Oh my goodness. It is not his smoking that bothers me. It is the thought of the.....Oh my.....the thought of my father in law smoking while asking our child to pull his finger. I'm just so afraid that he might go off. The very thought that the cigarette igniting his......well....gas and going off by accident and injuring our child or someone else has really upset me.

My husband says that if it really bothers me that I should say something to his Dad about his flatulance. How should I bring this up to the in laws if my husband will not talk to his Dad about this?

I really have a good relationship with my in laws, but I will NOT tollerate finger pulling in my house or around my child! Dear Blabby, please help!

Desparate in Dallas.
DC, I believe I remember seeing a spot on one of those "entertainment news"-type programs that the "darling duo", as it were, had farmed out the task of writing the columns to the afore-mentions guys. This was a few years ago, but I think I filed it away just because I thought it would be must be pretty weird to write under the name and photo of some old crone.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>What do you get for pretending the danger's not real...
Meek and obedient you follow the leader...
Down well trodden corridors, into the valley of steel...
What a suprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes!
Now things are really what they seem...
No this is no bad dream...

Roger Waters, Sheep, 1977[/quote]
I'm just going to try to see it from her views for a moment so hear me out.(sighs, thinks of her mother who took two years to be convinced guns never "went off" on their own.)
If the gun is just in his pocket maybe she is afraid her child will accidentally fire it, and as for the purse.
My grandma used to pull candy out of her purse all the time. Maybe just maybe the grandma in question does the same thing and "Desperate" is afraid the kid will get into the purse on its own.
Then again maybe all this lady does need is to speak to the grandparents and learn the truth about guns. After all, if they have always been carrying and no one noticed till now then I'd say these grandparents were being very safe with their guns.
Guns are still not allowed in my mother's house. So to respect her wishes our guns stay in the car.
On a side note my mother still calls me over to start her VCR for her so I don't think a gun is what she needs in the house.
I can just hear the midnight call now.
"Tank Girl, there's a robber in the house. Will you come load my MK .40 for me?"
Oof. I shiver at the thought.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
Tankgirl we gotta stop meeting like this. I promise if I get my HUMMER first you can ride shotgun. Next time we meet I want to be on top [of the reply list of course]

Republic, I almost split a gut [wouldnt be pretty picture if it was mine] on that line about "OFF WORLD" that just kicks ass.

The wife shouldnt worry about a gun "going off" hell the husband is in the same house and maybe one day he will suddenly just "get off" on her. She better buy him a tight belt for xmas! Looks like it went off 21 months ago, it should be due to go off again any time.

No offence to anyone meant on this one, just a few less than couth jokes.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 16, 1999).]
Tank Girl,

There's a difference between "having a gun" and "having a gun in my house". If someone does not want to own a firearm, I will fight for their right to be food (unarmed). However, they do not have the right to deprive me of my firearm.

If a business indicates they don't want guns on the premises, I try my best to take my business elsewhere. If someone doesn't want "guns in my home", I don't go there either. I care little whether it is Wal-Mart, our minister, or my Mother. (Exception: if I'm going to drink, I don't carry or drive.)

Now before someone goes "family-style" on me, my Mother lives with my wife and me - in OUR home. I'll have whatever I want in my home and my Mother knows better than to challenge that concept. (Besides, last year when she was 86 y/o she fired a 9mm S&W at the range. She's deaf and legally blind so we fired from the three-yard line! BIG grins all around!!)

When I teach in schools, I am not permitted to have a firearm (but I am otherwise armed). When I teach in businesses, unless they have the special sign required by the state, I am armed. They never know.

If a friend is afraid of guns, I probably wouldn't bring one into his house. If I did, it would be concealed and he'd never know it.

However, if HE is so afraid of guns that he deprives ME of my Natural (or God-given) Right to Self-Defense, then he's obviously not a friend.

BTW, if the person afraid of guns would permit it, I used to show them how to tell if a handgun is unloaded. Then I'd disassemble it and show them it's nothing but a little machine.

Some time ago on TFL, a member (I believe it was Jeff OTMG) said he started with the gun already dis-assembled. (The parts represent little or no threat.) Then he discusses each part as he slowly assembles the gun in front of the student. I've tried that and it works even better than my earlier method. Included in my demonstration is proof that a firearm can not "go off" by itself. There must be a "jerk" on the trigger! ;)

I can handle someone being afraid or even having (some) prejudices. With few exceptions (schools, gov't offices, etc.) I refuse to be deprived of my RKBA.
My two cents:

If some one said I couldn't carry in their
house, I would respect their wishes and
decide whether or not to go their.

I don't feel this way for businesses by
the way but that's a different story.

My only concern is with wandering kids.
I wouldn't want a pocket gun with the chance
that a little one would reach in my pocket
or my purse.

My solution. One of the couples should buy
an easy access combo safe. I got one for
the accessible handguns when my kid was
at home.

When the folks come over, put the guns in that. I know it slows down response to
home invaders but it seems a reasonable

I understand your reply Dennis. It's the reason why I refused to go to Blockbuster when they decided to make a store policy against guns. Even cops were not allowed to have guns in their store. (They have now lifted that rule.. small victory)
And Glenn, I don't think there is much difference from being locked in a safe and being locked in my car so personally I see no compromise.
I just don't see anyone taking away my rights in the situation with my mother. It still MY choice whether to carry in her house or not and I CHOOSE not to. I truly feel that guns do not belong in her house. If I felt different about the situation I'd carry anyway, without her permission then it would be up to her to decide if she wanted me to visit or not.
Simply stated my rights are those I take. They can pass any laws or rules they want but it is up to us to show them what laws or rules we will accept.
The only true problem with our society is that very few of us actually TAKE our rights, and those of us that do are alone in the taking and therefor subject to punishment instead of changing those laws.
Errgghh. I feel like I fight so hard for everyone's rights while a lot of our fellow Americans fight so hard to take mine away.
The right of choice is at stake here, not just our guns. IF they can annul one amendment they can annul them all.
and the blind dis- educated sheeple go
BAA, baa,baa,baa!
They ,at least, deserve what is comming to them for placing their blind trust in evil people; we, on the other hand,
do not.

He who would trade liberty for
broken promises of safety,deserves & recieves neither!

How did our govt ever get so treachious and subverted ?
Hey, it's the grandparents' right to decide whether or not to carry a gun, but it's unambiguously the homeowner's right to determine whether or not somebody packs heat IN THEIR HOME. (And where is the father in all this?) Were I the grandfather I'd clarify the issue of guns "going off", then I'd launch into my standard, "We all live at each other's sufferance." speech, detailing all the ways in which I could kill my grand children were I so inclined, starting with running them over on the driveway when I arrived.

The problem, fundamentally, isn't that she doesn't trust guns, it's that she doesn't trust PEOPLE.

Sic semper tyranus!
Tank Girl,

Slowly re-reading your post, I am moved to be so presumptious as to give you a cyber-pat on the back!

Would you like a Shiner Bock? Maybe one of Art’s sugar cookies? ;)
What well trained sheep the Government and Media has made. The instant and total fear responce has taken effect nation wide. The Average People out there veiw firearms as a cross between an armed mousetrap and nitroglycerine. They fear firearms 100% more than they fear their rulers. Give up RKBA? You bet your freedom they would!
I've dealt with this 74 hours ago. A non-gun-owning friend of mine, whom I took shooting with me, desired to purchase an inexpensive break-open 12 bore for home deffence. While shooting, with the man, I taught him the basics we all know and love, gave him pointers on various things. He felt confident about firearms and decided no one could argue with a 12.
He aquired his 12 and took it home, where it could protect his house, property, and wife.
His wife had a hysterical fit. She refused to let the arm in the house. She would hear none of it. The single barrel long gun was clearly much more dangerous to her than any armed crimminals that might drop in for a visit. Total terror. Instant responce on seeing the gun. Good sheep! Here, have your daily food ration and return to work.
The Government/Media create the ideal victims, every day, by the thousands. Victims of street-level crime, and victims of stiffling absolutist Government.
See why the Government/Media hates us so much? We are the exact opposite of what they need us to be.
Dear Equalizer:

I suggest you tell your gas-emitting in-laws that they can flatulate all they want at their own house, but that they need to pucker up and squeeze those buttcheeks tight when in your home. If this doesn't work, try offering an ashtray for him to put his cigarette out in just as soon as his see him tell your kids to pull his finger.
The "Dear Blabby" article that you posted was so rediculous and typical of those public social workers, that I just HAD to poke some mocking fun of Abbigale Van Buren with my own slant. If you simply replace the subject, (handgun), with a new subject, (flatulance), I think it humorously redicules the rediculous thinking of many in our media, and shows their "logic" for what it realy is. Some times, I just have to laugh.