Going into Kali . . .

As a Nevada resident, can I transport (following State regulations) my Springfield XD45 compact, or my Kimber Pro/TLE/RLll (not on the list) into California?

What about hi-cap mags that I legally own here? Or a Ruger LCP? (they can only be sold to law enforcement in California)
Are you visiting or moving.

If the latter, then you can bring in any pistol you like, so long as it doesn't qualify as an assault weapon (threaded barrel etc). I don't believe either one of your pistols qualify as an assault weapon so you're in the clear. You will have to fill out a form and send it to DOJ along with extortion money in the sum of $21.

As for magazines, NOTHING over 10 rounds PERIOD.
The LCP will give you head aches if you're moving. Better sell it to me before you go :p I believe it will eventually be put on the Approved Handgun List (since LEO's are allowed to purcahse), but it probably hasn't gone through the testing yet for us mere civilians.

You can not take your hi cap mags. Even a mag with an low capacity insert is illegal. I've got a handful of 'Cali-Capacity mags' for my Glocks when I go over there, nothing over ten rounds allowed.

Make sure you transport properly, cause if you get stopped by CHP and they end up finding out about your guns, you're going to have a long day. If they find out about the firearms, and find out they're being transported 'illegally', then you'll be in a world of hurt.

I hope you're not moving, but if you are you really need to take a long, hard look at what you own and where you're going. Certain cities have even stricter laws than the state.
Dang that's good to know about the LCP, thanks. Potentially just saved me three years in the big house. I already bought a ten round mag for my Beretta for the express purpose of traveling to CA.

What a state. Too bad the beaches and the chicks are so beautiful, otherwise it would have no reason to exist. Then again once The Big One hits, we Zonies will have beachfront property.
My two top pet peeves in no particular order are 1) crappy drivers and 2) misinformation about california gun laws.


Clear enough? This means you CAN bring in your LCP or any other handgun as long as it doesn't meet the definition of an assault weapon. For pistols 99% of the time this means no threaded barrel. But here's the kicker. You can bring in the pistol AND the threaded barrel as long as its not installed in the gun.

As for magazines, what I said before was terribly convoluted so let me make it simple...

stage 2 said:
As for magazines, NOTHING over 10 rounds PERIOD.

Does matter when they were made, when you bought them or anything. If its over 10 rounds, you cant bring it here.

Folks, we have enough trouble with our laws here without having to deal with fixing misinformation from people who do dont live here. Research twice post once.
Wow, the guy just wants some info... no need for the huffing and puffing.

maestro pistolero, I'll give you the best and most accurate advice that anyone on this forum can give you... consult an attorney who is trained in california gun law. Taking advice on a forum in regard to crossing state lines with a weapon is not recommended.
Wow, the guy just wants some info... no need for the huffing and puffing.

Yes there is a need. Immediately after I post, others post inaccurate information.

maestro pistolero, I'll give you the best and most accurate advice that anyone on this forum can give you... consult an attorney who is trained in california gun law. Taking advice on a forum in regard to crossing state lines with a weapon is not recommended.

Incorrect as well. This isn't foggy law. It is quite clear. There is a weath of it over at calguns.com and it says exactly what I already have.
I think there was at least a huff in there somewhere. Thanks for the info.

What in the world did people in California do with their previously owned Hi cap pistol mags? Turn them in?
What in the world did people in California do with their previously owned Hi cap pistol mags? Turn them in?

There was a group hug involving all California's gun owners, Ariana Huffington and George Clooney, around a big pile of high capacity baby killing seal clubbing magazines. Through the power of veganism and positive thinking, they turned them magically into PEZ dispensers that held cherry flavored candies... that cured cavities for homeless children in Africa. ;)
What in the world did people in California do with their previously owned Hi cap pistol mags? Turn them in?
If you A) were a California resident and B) owned the high-caps before the ban went into effect, you could keep and use them. In fact, you can even rebuild them, provided at least one component remains from the original mag.

So what you have are some people who can legally own high-cap mags while others cannot. Thus, some Cali citizens are more equal than others. And all based on a date.

But even the "more equal" citizens can't be trusted completely. For example, if you had 10 high-caps before the ban, you are trustworthy with those 10. But if you manage to obtain just one more after the ban, you are no longer trustworthy, because no one in Cali - or those going/moving to there - after the ban took effect can legally bring high-cap mags into the state.

Some people say that such a system doesn't make sense. I say, "And your point is ...?"
As a resident of the great state of Kalifornia, who’s to say that my (11 round +) STANDARD CAPACITY magazine is not legal if it’s not stamped LEO only or has a post-ban production date imprinted on it?
Beats me. I bought a bunch of 15-rounders for my 9mm right before the ban took effect, but I have since sold the 9mm and moved out of state. The high-caps that I now own I have bought recently, and they have no production date or other markings that I can see (except my PMags). I'm guessing that Cali DOJ was counting on markings such as "LEO Use Only" that no longer exist.

A friend of mine who still lives there gets questioned just about every time he takes his AR and his high-caps to a public range. At least, he used to. He no longer takes the AR to public ranges.