Going house to house with leaflets


New member
Dear everybody:

I am planning to deliver leaflets containing the real facts about guns to the houses in my immediate neighborhood. Is that legal for me to swamp my neighborhood with these leaflets? Would the post office be upset with me if I delivered these leaflets door to door by hand? Should I include my name and address on it? I live in a super liberal district, and don't want to receive some sorts of retributions from the antis. Included below is the general outline of the leaflets' contents (the exact wordings are not yet being composed). The problem is, I really need some help in locating reliable sources that can back up some of the contents of my leaflets. But any way:

(1) The so called "assault weapons" are not assault weapons, they're just semi auto guns using the same mechanical principles as many hunting rifles (provide some examples)

(2) The so called "assault weapons" are no more powerful than hunting rifles, in fact, in most cases, they're less powerful. (give ballistic charts of the most common cartridges in US: .223, .30-30, .308, .30-06, .270, 7.62X39,... anymore suggestion?)
Also tell them the fact that the cartridge used in AR-15 are the same cartridge used by varmint hunters and 7.62X39 cartridge used in AKs have less power than the 120(?) years old 30-30Win.

(3) The numbers pointing to the fact that the so called "assault weapons" involve in less than 1% of the murders even before they were banned (I need a reliable source that I can cite: I obtained the less than 1% figure from various radio shows and gun magazines, but I do not have a solid, hard copy source that I can cite).

(4) More children died due to drowning in the swimming pool than by gunshots. I also heard that more children died in a year by drowning in 5 gallons buckets than by gunshot, and Dennis informed me that he heard more people got seriously hurt (died?) from falls than from gunshot (again, I don't have a source to cite, so if you can kind of help me out here....)

(5) The states with the strictest gun laws also have the highest crime rates, including murders, rapes, assaults, etc, etc...(sources?)

(6) There are already 20,000 gun laws in the book, including those outlawing criminals, children, and the mentally insane from purchasing firearms.

(7) The number of people dying or getting injured from accidental gun discharges had dropped since the sixties (source?)

(8) Most cops favor law abiding citizens to be armed in order to protect themseleves. Cops can't be everywhere everytime. (also include California court ruling that cops are not legally obligated to protect you from the criminals, their duties are to collect evidence and solve crimes - I need some articles about this rulling with names of the judge, who Vs. who, date of the ruling, etc). I also plan to include a poll that I have from a gun magazine asking gun control questions to California cops and most of them are against gun control

(9) Most lawful self defense use of guns do not involve the actual firing of the guns and deaths to the assailants, that's why you have the impression that guns do not help in protecting people when assaulted / mugged / burglared, etc, etc,....(Possible source?)

(10) Include the fact that liberals doctored gun poll numbers, such as that in the case of Newsweek and Time polls.

I know that I need to get a lots of sources to back up the above facts (#3, #4, #5, #7, first half of #8, and #9) and if you can suggest documentations, web sites, (anything) that would contain pro-gun numbers, I would really appreciate it.

I am trying to make this a short leaflet (2 pages back to back). What do you think?

Sorry about the long post, I know you're all busy and hard working people. I am just trying to get your opinion and help in finding sources for my leaflets' contents.

Thank you.

A noble idea, but you're just asking for trouble. You'll be branded as a radical, nut case, wierdo, etc. Somebody may complain to the authorities and you'll suddenly find a suit at your door asking questions or maybe a van you don't know will suddenly start parking in your neighborhood.
Most of these leaflets will be thrown away unread.
Better to make converts with a friendly "Hi neighbor!" One on one, word of mouth. Don't be pushy, only talk to those willing to listen. Educating sheeple is a slow and difficult process.
I agree with the above. Imagine how you would react if you found an anti-gun leaflet on your doorstep stating a bunch of "facts."

One thing I've always wanted to try:

Contact the NRA and see if Eddie Eagle can put on a presentation in your back yard for the neighborhood kids. Hand out flyers inviting your neighbors and their children to attend. State your intentions, as a concerned parent and gun-owner, as wanting to provide a public service to the neighborhood and to educate children and their parents about the importance of gun safety. (If you don't have any kids, borrow some). Have some beer and pop handy and BBQ some hot dogs. Remember... it's "for the children." ;)

The die-hard anti's won't come but many of the fence-sitters might (as well as your pro-gun neighbors you didn't know about). As the children are watching the presentation, the conversation amongst the adults is bound to turn to guns. If people can get together on "neutral ground" without having to be defensive about their beliefs... minds can be opened. Questions will be asked and the best time to present the facts you stated in you post is when you are asked for them.

I realize this is just a small first step and it won't seem to have the immediate impact you were wishing for, but I think it could prove more beneficial in the long run.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.
It's none of the post office's business (legally or morally.)

Yes, you should place your name and address on the flyers. If you are not willing to back up your ideas by identifying yourself, then you shouldn't be spreading your ideas about. You will be taken more seriously if you are willing to say "this is who I am, and this is what I believe" rather than "this is what I believe, but I'm not prepared to take responsibility for it." White supremacists/separatists usually post flyers annonymously, thus weakening any message they spread.
Instead of door to door consider bulk mail. If you do the door to door thing, remember do NOT put them in the mailbox. Anything in a mailbox without postage is a crime.

The PO does not care, just don't go into competition with them to deliver from other people and do NOT use the mail boxes or slots when you go door to door.

1) use 'cosmetic' in the description.
2) Limit the chart to .223, .30 Commie, for military, .300 Win Wag and .460 Weatherby for commercial, do include comparison to .30-30 Winchester mod 94 that we see in westerns.
3) Check DOJ and ATF for stats
4) These are ACCIDENTAL deaths not all child deaths. In fact for accidental deaths under age 5, the 5 gal bucket is more deadly. For causes of death info go to the CDC web site.
5) Be sure all stats are based on per 100,000 population otherwise Texas looks real bad.
7) It has dropped since the 1930's but be sure that you use figures based on population. Not many folks in the U.S. in the 30's.
8) The rape was in Washington D.C. and the it was a U.S. Supreme Court decision. Use the Yahoo search under law to find the ruling. Basicly says that the police are not obligated to protect the individual, but is intended to protect society as a whole.
9) Author of the study was Gary Kleck, a criminologist at FSU. John Lott, University of Chicago, came to the same conclusions in his study funded by Olin.
10) Get a copy of HCI propaganda and show where it is misleading point by point. Using the definition of a child as under 25, and use of raw figures without taking population into account, England has 25 million people, we have 280 million. Brady numbers that were denials, the numbers come down A LOT when you look at the ones that were later approved. Of the valid ones, how many got prosecuted? Not very many. I think they gave up on the Morton Grove ban and the Seattle/VanCouver comparison, if not both are easily discredited.

Other info. Overall crime rates have increased dramatically in England and Australia since strict gun control has been enacted. In Switzerland all the men have full auto SIG rifles at home and must qualify twice a year, some have jet fighters in a mountain on their property and a couple have tanks in their barns, all provided by the govt. Be sure to check the NRA, GOA, and wnd Amendment Foundation websites, they have some of this info put together and documented already.
I've found the gun facts sheet in the Gun Owners of America (GOA) website ideal for this type of campaign.

However, before distributing it, you need to remove any indication that it's from GOA, unless you get their prior written consent. Also, do not put anything in or on any mailbox! That's a big no-no.

If you're going door to door, make sure you look clean cut and presentable. Even a shirt and tie is preferred. Polish your shoes!

People will look you up and down, and many will access you from a peep hole before opening their door. You should try to be friendly, professional, and have a few lines to address your fact sheet. You will leave an impression about ALL gunowners, so look and act sharp!

You should keep your presentation very brief. Like...(smiling ) "Sir (or Mamm), this is free factual information about crime and firearms for your review...thanks for your time, have a nice day." You want to avoid getting into a lengthy discussion with any one person, keep it very short. Your objective should be to personally deliver as many of these fact sheets to as many people in your neighborhood as you can in the shortest possible time.

Good luck.
I agree with Grayfox. When the NAFTA charade was gong on, I copied certain sections regarding bringing in Mexican/Canadian professionals (programmers, nurses, pharmacists, etc.). I went around to all the chain store pharmacies and gave them copies, along with a mini-speech about how their jobs were at risk. I got blank or suspicious stares EVERY time. This was the first time I had ever done anything like this and at first I was embarrassed as Hell. It was all
for nothing. I think you may turn more people against us and probably give you the reputation of a "gun-nut" or worse. There are just too many damned sheep around.
First of all, I would like to thank everybody for your inputs. Some of your comments, particularly that of Grayfox' men in suits with fed badges asking me question really made me shivered (I DO NOT HAVE ANY CONTRABANDS, YOU HEAR THAT? MEN IN SUITS WITH BADGES EVERYWHERE?) Another problem is that I have a really heavy accent and I tend to stutter a bit when cornered by hard questions. I think after I accumulate enough nerves and practice my speaking and presentation skills (Ithink I am going to use Paul Revere's intrduction line), I am going to try to do this for just one block first, just to see how many people would set their dogs loose on me.

Oh, one more question:
What happen if they mistook me as a salesman, and hollered: NOT INTERESTED!
Should I just say "Thank you for your time, have a nice day" (smiling of course)?

Thank's everybody!
Johan762 I commend you for what you are doing. I like Paul Revere's suggestions - a soft sell.

If you're mistook for a salesman just leave the info on the doorstep and move on.

Please post after you have distributed these as we are all very interested to see how it goes. Your efforts could be a model for others to follow.

Good luck.
Hi Johan-

Soft approach works better everytime when dealing with reasonable people. Some of the suggestions make lots of sense:

* Short & Sweet description
* Pressed shirt, slacks, and tie

If I can add my $.02, I'd also "minimize" the comparison of the different calibers and associated terminology. The sheeple will just start to "zone out" when they don't know what they're reading about.

How many times have we seen a newspaper story that says something like:

"Eyewitnesses to the robbery reported seeing the bandit with a large, semi-automatic assault revolver."

Too much info will certainly confuse people with virtually NO knowledge of firearms.

You deserve a virtual pat on the back for your efforts, it's only through the education process at home, in school, at work, and in our neighborhoods that we'll be able to eventually turn the corner.

Stay cool and middle-of-the-road and you'll likely cause some people to re-think their positions. Good luck.


~ Blue Jays ~
if you do it make it real simple.
point out how many drunk driving, domestic violence arrest etc.there was this weekend vs. how many gun related incidences there were and ask them if they feel that strongly about doing something along the line of making it illegal to buy beer in six packs.

A "One Beer A Month" rule.

"Instant" background checks to make sure you're of age to buy beer or hopps.

Nothing over 5.56 proof.

No containers over 10 ounces.

We're not trying to take any anyone's alcohol! We're just trying to save children's lives. After all, if it saves just one child's life, isn't it worth it?

You can have my beer when you pry it from my cold frosty mug!

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
That was beautiful!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We're not trying to take any anyone's alcohol! We're just trying to save children's lives. After all, if it saves just one child's life, isn't it worth it?[/quote]
"The children" is the Liberals phrase du jour. Its always about the children and their lives and their rights... What about mine? Why are their rights and lives more important than mine?!?! And vise-versa.

Hate to tell you, but you aren't joking. It is literally just around the corner. My Congresscritter was here today having a meet (first time). Her deal was senior health care...

She wasn't apart of this discussion (occurred while waiting for her). Anyway, folks(regular types) were chatting and talking and some folks were talking about the FL tobacco case and then a woman said that the alcohol companies should be sued the same way because of the "damage they do". Realize, this was a regular person, not a politico. My point? Regular folks are thinking about this stuff so ya know lawyers are putting cases together. Team that with existing laws ( in CA if you are out and drink too much and drive, crash or cause any problems, the bar, restaurant or club that ya drank at can be sued.

Its gonna happen sooner than we think

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Johan, I believe Greyfox is right. You will be a target real fast. It is better to do it one on one. The sheeple will be sitting on the fence when the balloon goes up. It will be 2.5% vs the other 2.5% and the 95% sheeple will wait and see who wins: freedom or slavery. If you can get a few people on line ,that is all you can do. A Fm micro station is the way to go and will cost not a whole lot. In my opinion ,the earth shaking event s will start before the end of the year and your best bet is to be as prepared spiritually and physically as possible. Standing out in a crowd wwill only get the crowd (Sheeple) to turn on you. Dont get me wrong. We are still in a info war with the NWO, but time is running out and the curtain will soon come up.