Going hog hunting on Thursday...one last question


New member
before dying.

Do I have enough gun?

I will be bringing:

Rem 870 with rifled slug barrel.
Rem 7400 in .308.
S&W 629 in .44 mag, with 300 grain hard cast hunting loads.

Probably overgunned for ground hog. But then you're probably not concerned about spoiling the meat from using too powerful of a gun. ;)
I'd say you're over gunned for hog hunting. In the past few trips I've taken, I've used either a Desert Eagle .50AE w/ Leupold 2x scope or Ruger Super Redhawk .44 mag w/ Leupold 2x scope.
"Hogs arn't dangerous game..."???

What kind of hogs are you talking about? Certainly not the Russian Boar or hybred Russian Boar/ferral hogs that we have here in Tennessee! Those SOBs can go 300# with 10" tusks! I had a friend in high school who was ripped from his knee to his crotch by one, after emptying an M1 garand into it! (The moron thought that since FMJ ammo was illegal, it HAD to be trick.) Luckily, it missed the femorial artery. The hog died, but it took 37 stitches to close up my friend.

As another friend of mine says "The only muzzle loading rifle I'll hunt hogs with is a Parrot!"

Yr. Obt. Svnt.
Dangerous Game ...

The problem with hogs is they are smart enough to get mad and stoopid enough that they won't get scared once they are.
They really are quite intelligent, but retiring shy, until they get older.

We trapped three small 60 pounders a couple of months back. We couldn't butcher them right away, so I went down to the trap to leave some water. What are those things Spanish Flamenco dancers use to accent the ryhthm? Castanets? That's what it sounded like when I'd get close to the pen (trap)... clack, clack, clackety-clack ... jaws poppin'! Lunging with jaws open. Piling into the walls of the trap at full tilt. A wild animal cornered, I guess. I finally got a gallon jug partially cut open and lowered down into the pen and tied off. One of them attacked the jug and shredded it. Got 3/4 gallon of water on me. It was like a drive-by puddle splash! I almost made time to butcher the little hellions right then! Went back the next day and did it right. 'Little bahstids is wild enough to hurt you and themselves if they feel cornered. I got another story sometime about a sow-momma and her litter! If the IOC ever starts a tree-climbing event, with shotgun in hand, I'll be there to compete. I'm world class when I need to be!:D
Thanks for the replies folks. I must confess to being a little nervous. We will be hunting with dogs, and we could be shooting hogs at 5 yards or less. Hence the rifled shotgun.

Being from Ireland, I have yet to shoot anything that can fight back!

Keeping your head and remembering safety first is the most important issue. You have PLENTY of gun. I have taken big hogs with .44 mag, 12 guage, and 7.62x39 with Cor-Bon 150 grainers! All worked well when I did my part. Keeping yourself in proper position so you don't shoot one of your hunting partners, the dogs, or yourself is paramount.

Relax, have fun, BE SAFE!
Looks good to me. I'm still shooping for my 629. .308 for sitting in a blind or in open country. The 12 gauge for brush work and the .44 for fun. :)
I guess if you compare hogs to deer, you've got a case for them being dangerous game. I've been in several herds (packs?) and killed several. They just don't have the combative instinct that truly makes them dangerous game.

Most of the injuries that occur seem to be leg bites and quite painfull. As Fred pointed out, his buddy almost got popped in the femoral artery. They are not Disney animals, but the rate of injury just is not in the same class as bears or African dangerous game.
