Going, Going, Gone !!!!

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Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greetings; I just read on the wire were
Newsweek magazine and Reuter's news service
are both reporting that Colt's Firearms
Division is exiting the consumer handgun
market effective Oct. 31 of 1999. The main
reason is to avoid more product liability
law suits; as brought on by 29 US cities.
So, if you own any type of handgun with
their name on it, drag it out and blow
the dust off of it; because it just
increased in value !!!!

Ala Dan
Not fully; they have stopped sales of their revolvers except the SAA and autos except the Government Model. The fact is that they are in deep financial trouble having nothing to do with law suits (although those contribute to their problem) and are cutting the guns that are junk and don't sell. They also apparently feel that they will be getting rid of those "bad" concealable guns in the hopes that the Handgun Control lawyers will leave them alone. Fat chance. The goal is to ban guns and wipe out gun owners. If not today, tomorrow.

Ala Dan,
There are already several threads going on this subject, check 'em out.
To make a long story short, Colt is the victim of their own poor management and political gamesmanship. The lawsuit story is just a CYA move. They done it to themselves.
And with multiple cities already loosing their lawsuits and or having them thrown out, it is just another proof that if you make a crappy product in todays market, you will go under. Its just a cover.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Grayfox and DOCSpanky are absolutely right! Unfortunately, the media, politicians and public will perceive this as evidence that venerable, old Colt now supports the "antis".
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