goex 3f Pinnacle

Thanks Mec. I've been waiting to hear about this powder, Looks like I'll stick with the old Goex when I can find it and with my Pyrodex "P" for now.
Thanks MEC. Very informative as usual. Have you done any testing with the new IMR Trail Boss Smokeless for CAS and Cowboy loads?
No, I use Unique at slightly higer velocities than CAS standard loads. Others who are methodical loaders I trust say that it is doing what the advertisments and releases say.
I use Unique too for my indoor shooting. I cut mine back to 4.5 Grn in 44 Colt case pushing this 44 Rem 248 Grn outside lubed bullet. .451 Dia drive bands (3),2 lube grooves, and .429 dia.heel w/crimp groove, RFN.
Any more than that and I had a lot of unburnt powder.
I'm trying to find some Trail Boss to try.
Excellent work mec!

I saw some of this at Gander Mountain yesterday and almost picked up a can. I use Pyrodex P and have no complaints. I guess I'll just stick with Pyrodex for now.

The only thing I can say I don't really like about the Pyrodex is that it seems much more susceptible to moister than my old Goex BP. That's not a good thing here in the eastern mountains. High hummidity in the summer, lot's of rain in the spring and very cold and damp in the winter.
I have had several loads not go off due to slight grease/ powder contamination that never happened with the old BP.
The Pyrodex powder seem's to give consisten results shot for shot.