gobbler story


New member
If you followed my post earlier, "Alabama gobbler season, day by day", you've read I tagged out early. I likely will not travel this year to hunt another state, and thus have been loafing on the front porch of a morning, hoping to hear a gobbler near home, just for the sake of it. We sometimes hear birds in my neighbors fields, though not often. We see them even less often.

So the other morning, I'm loafing on the porch, nursing a iced "sweet coffee" as I call it, and here comes a turkey walking down the paved county road that leads past my house. It's fair sized, and when it gets the light right, and a bit closer, lo and behold, I note it is a young gobbler, a 'jake". The young tom gets to within 100 yds or so, and the dogs see him ( my old Golden retriever female, and a young prime, big black Lab. The Lab stands and comes down the steps, and the gobbler veers off into the woods. I call the Lab onto the porch and begin to ponder.

We seldom see turkeys around the house, occassional traffic on the road, I always keep a few dogs, and their are other residences 1/4 -1/2 mile away. What was that bird up to? I scratch my bald head (the reason I am so bald is I try and figure out turkeys so much!). Was he cruising new territory for hens.....did he spook from the fields earlier from a hunter or predator, what?

Then it comes to me....he was trying to surrender.
Who told him you already filled your tag? He was not surrendering, he's an undercover Jake and there was a warden near by.
Someone told him the story I told here a while back about the guy on my bowling league who shot the undercover elk, in the dark, across a highway, pretty bad when they have to continue the citation on the back to get in all the charges. Besides the fines he lost his hunting privileges for 5 years. The bozo deserved it!