GOA Alert


Moderator Emeritus
Help Build Momentum for Pro-gun Legislation
-- Get postcards and multiply your efforts

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

(Wednesday, April 14, 1999) -- Now you can increase the
effectiveness of your lobbying efforts by 30, 60 or even 100
percent! As you may know, getting Congressmen to cosponsor pro-gun
bills is an important part in building the momentum for good
legislation. Right now there are more than 1300 bills in the House
and another 700+ in the Senate. Not surprisingly, legislators
usually tend to ignore most of the bills that have been put in the
"hopper." So how do they decide which ones they will cosponsor?
Well, that's where you come in, as legislators will quite often
respond to pressure from the folks back home.

For example, Rep. Tom Coburn's office told GOA today that our recent
postcard mailing had resulted in several offices wanting to sign on
to his Brady Abuse Cut-off bill (H.R. 1178). "Those postcards!" his
office told us. "You've got every office calling us" so they can
get on the bill as a cosponsor. Coburn's bill went from 0 to 35
cosponsors almost overnight.

To crank up the heat even more, Gun Owners of America has printed
postcards that you can take to your gun clubs, gun shows, your
office, family gatherings, etc. If you hit our website at
http://www.gunowners.org/pcards.htm or call 1-800-417-1486 (at any
time, 24 hours a day), you can order sets of postcards dealing with
the following bills:

1. Citizen's Self-Defense Act (H.R. 347). This postcard set asks
your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 347, the bill that will
protect citizens who use a gun in self-defense from anti-gun
prosecutors and judges, even if the gun was carried without a permit
or possessed without a license.

2. Concealed Carry Reciprocity (H.R. 407). Leave it to Rep. Ron
Paul (R-TX) to always take the no-compromise approach in defending
your gun rights. Of all the bills in Congress, H.R. 407 takes the
greatest strides toward restoring the 2nd Amendment right to "bear"
arms for ALL citizens. Other bills with similar goals don't even
come close. These postcards will create the grassroots demand for
enacting real carry legislation allowing honest gun owners to carry
their firearms across the country. Remember, your right to carry
doesn't evaporate at the state line!

3. Brady Abuse Cut-off (H.R. 1178 & S. 597). This is the "Smith
amendment" of 1998, a provision which GOA members supported with a
flood of postcards right before it passed with an overwhelming,
veto-proof majority. Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) and Rep. Tom Coburn
(R-OK) have each reintroduced this important legislation. Like its
predecessor, this legislation will stop the FBI from taxing and
registering gun owners. But the best part is that these bills
contain "teeth"-- private individuals will be specifically
authorized to sue the FBI for any violations of privacy under the
Brady Law and will be able to receive compensation for attorney's

4. Legislative "Action Pack." Can't make up your mind? Get the
special Legislative "Action Pack" which will give you a
representative sampling of all the postcards above-- 50 postcards in

Each set above comes with 50 postcards. The sliding price scale
goes as follows:

* $6.00 for the first set of 50 postcards,
* $10.00 for two sets (100 postcards),
* $2.50 for each additional set of 50 postcards.

This "descending" price scale applies whether you are buying many
different sets or just purchasing multiple packs of the same set.
The above prices include shipping and handling. For those who have
access to a copier and a supply of cardstock, GOA has placed the
"masters" for the cards on the web.

ACTION: Call 1-800-417-1486 or 1-888-886-GUNS and simply choose
option "4" to place your order for the postcards. Make sure you
specify which of the above set(s) you would like (#1-4) and please
mention the bill number(s) as well. Or, order them from the web by
going to http://www.gunowners.org/pcards.htm where you can also
download the masters.

The beginning of the end? Well, "mums the word" at Handgun Control,
Inc. It seems that HCI has had very little to say about the recent
federal decision arising out of Texas-- a decision that could mark
the beginning of the end for gun control. If you haven't seen this
April 1 decision already, read the case at
http://www.txnd.uscourts.gov/pubnotic.htm by scrolling down to U.S.
v Emerson. This landmark Second Amendment decision is certain to be
appealed-- and Gun Owners Foundation (the legal arm of GOA) is
looking to aid in its defense. Gun owners should bear in mind that
federal appellate judges are unelected, largely unaccountable, and
often refuse to admit that the Constitution means what it says. It
will always be necessary to defend gun rights where citizens have
actual power: in the state legislatures and the U.S. Congress.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I have two comments: First, individual hand written or typed letters carry more "omph" than these post cards; If you've got the time, WRITE YOUR OWN LETTER. Even if you plagerize GOA's cards, it will have more impact. Second, speaking of "good legislation", has ANY good legislation on the subject of firearms actually passed Congress since the Republicans took over? I know some BAD legislation, such as the Lautenberg and Kohl amendments, have.