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Anti-gun Zealots Trying To Ram Disarmament Bill Through Senate -- Immediate action required

Gun Owners of America
E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You'd think that when rabid, anti-gun legislators like Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy join together to pass anti-gun legislation, it would raise a few red flags.

But these two New York Democrats are currently planning to roll over gun owners with H.R. 2640 -- legislation which would bar you from owning guns if:
* You are a battle-scarred veteran suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; or

* As a kid, you were diagnosed with ADHD

Not to mention the fact that your ailing grandfather could have his entire gun collection seized, based only on a diagnosis of Alzheimer's (and there goes the family inheritance).

Gun owners have been desperately fighting this bill for several months. You will remember that it passed in the House with an unrecorded voice vote in June and was later passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee -- also without a recorded vote.

Sen. Schumer is pushing hard to pass this legislation -- dubbed the Veterans Disarmament Act -- so he is circulating an "agreement" which would waive the Senate rules in order to bring up and pass the bill.

This agreement could come about in the next few hours or the next couple of days!

This agreement is extremely diabolical, as it would eliminate the
ability of pro-gun senators to offer amendments which would clean up
the legislation... and would grease the skids for immediate passage!

But there is good news: In order for Schumer's "agreement" to
prevail, he must get "unanimous consent." This means that just ONE
single senator can block it.

ACTION: Please contact your two U.S. Senators RIGHT AWAY and urge
them to OBJECT to Senator Chuck Schumer's "unanimous consent
agreement" to steamroll H.R. 2640, the McCarthy anti-gun bill.

You can use the pre-written message below and send it as an e-mail by
visiting the GOA Legislative Action Center at
http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm (where phone and fax numbers
are also available).

----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Senator:

Currently, anti-gun zealot Chuck Schumer is trying to get "unanimous
consent" to steamroll the Senate in connection with Carolyn
McCarthy's anti-gun bill, H.R. 2640.

If this bill is passed, an American would be barred from owning guns

* He is a U.S. veteran suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder;

* As a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD in connection with the IDEA

Not to mention the fact that an ailing grandfather could have his
entire gun collection seized, based only on a diagnosis of
Alzheimer's from a Medicare home health provider (and there goes the
family inheritance).

Gun owners don't support this legislation, better known as the
Veterans Disarmament Act. The Military Order of the Purple Heart is
opposed to it, having stated on June 18 of this year, that "For the
first time the legislation, if enacted, would statutorily impose a
lifetime gun ban on battle-scarred veterans."

Please place a hold on the McCarthy bill and object to any unanimous
consent agreement to discharge the bill.


Heh, forgive me if I'm a bit pessimistic about a GOA allegation about legislation:

legislation which would bar you from owning guns if:
* You are a battle-scarred veteran suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; or

* As a kid, you were diagnosed with ADHD

Sorry, but I've seen too many wild claims by GOA about legislation and how it will be affect the right to keep and bear arms. I think we need to see the text of the legislation before deciding whether "urgent" action is necessary.

No offense intended, Lambo, but the GOA is awfully short on credibility when it comes to candidates and/or gun legislation.
I've learned to be leery of messages that are riddled with hyperbole and sensationalism. Got a link to the text of the proposed legislation so we can look at what it actually says
There are no less than three open threads on this very piece of legislation. One less than a week old. Get your cut-and paste crap off my internet, you.

Report button hit.

EDIT: Check that, going with PMs instead. While lame and redundant, it's not quite abusive.
The latest of these threads is here.

This is not only a duplicate of the one I pointed to above, but it is also another Drive-By Post.

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