GOA Alert, Tell Gov. Bush of Texas to Stop Supporting Gun Control


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Multi-state Alert: Tell Gov. Bush of Texas to Stop Supporting Gun

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Dear Pro-Gun Activist,

Your immediate grassroots action is required to help us stop Gov.
George W. Bush and the high-powered lobbyists from Handgun Control
in a scheme to take away yet more of the rights of law-abiding gun

Recently, Governor Bush pushed an anti-gun bill sponsored by liberal
Texas Rep. Debra Danburg (D-Houston). Rep. Danburg introduced House
Bill 1199 to require anyone at a gun show, even those who want to
sell a single gun from his or her private collection, to undertake
intrusive, big-government background checks. Such a computer system
allows the government to spy on and track gun owners.

Even though pro-gun legislators killed HB 1199 in committee,
insiders are concerned Gov. Bush may make a back-room deal to revive
HB 1199 in the closing days of the legislature.

And in an article in the Dallas Morning News on April 28, 1999 Bush
went even further stating, "I think the federal government needs to
expand its background checks so that they become effective."

That's why I'm asking you to contact Gov. Bush right away.

Since Gov. Bush is campaigning for President, it is important that
he hear from ALL Americans on this issue. Please contact his office
and let him know more gun control is not acceptable in Texas... or
anywhere else in America.

In contrast to Governor Bush, you and I know America does NOT need
more gun control legislation at any government level. The murderers
in Colorado violated nearly two dozen gun control laws.

The implementation of Gov. Bush's ideas will mean a further loss of
our Constitutional rights to gun ownership. If Gov. Bush and
Handgun Control's gun-grabbing proposals are not stopped now, we
will see an avalanche of new gun-grabbing legislation.

Tell Governor Bush:
1. You strongly disapprove of his pushing gun control bills like HB
2. You strongly disapprove of his recent comments and actions
calling for more gun control.
3. You are strongly opposed to more federal intervention in the form
of huge computer data bases that snoop into the lives of private,
law-abiding citizens. This is what the Nazis did and it has no
place in America.

Further, please urge your pro-gun friends and neighbors to contact
Gov. Bush. If enough pressure is applied, Gov. Bush may back off
further actions that restrict our rights.

Also, the Governor's staff will be very sensitive to the concerns of
citizens in early presidential primary / caucus states: Alaska,
California, Arizona, Delaware, Iowa, New Hampshire, Louisiana, South
Carolina, and Georgia.

Gun owners and activists must make their positions known to Governor
Bush immediately. Don't stand for any excuses.

Further, please take the extra step in calling not one, but ALL
three numbers of the following numbers:

Gov. Bush's main Capitol office: (512) 463-2000
Gov. Bush's legislative office: (512) 463-1830
Gov. Bush's Presidential campaign office: (512) 637-2000


Your action will have a huge impact, but you and your friends and
neighbors must act immediately.


Larry Pratt
Executive Director
Gun Owners of America, Inc.

P.S. Governor George W. Bush of Texas recently pushed an anti-gun
bill (HB 1199) in the Texas Legislature. Though the bill is
currently stuck in committee, insiders say Gov. Bush may try to
revive it at the last minute. And now Bush is calling for more
federal gun control legislation and the expansion of the Brady law.

Please contact Bush's office immediately and tell him to stop trying
to restrict our gun rights. As Bush is now running for President,
he needs to hear from gun owners all across America.

Did someone else forward this to you? To be certain of getting up to
date information, please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail
Alert Network directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the
volume of mail is quite low. To subscribe, simply send a message to
goamail@gunowners.org and include the state in which you live, in
either the subject or the body. .37])

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Theoretically, we might apply enough pressure to Bush that he gives up on this law; And that WOULD be a good outcome. But that pressure would not change the fact that he WANTED this law, and therefore is NOT fit to be President. Pressure has a way of getting politicians to amend their views only long enough to get elected... Then they do what they really wanted anyway.
On the radio this morning I heard one of the sponsors of this bill claim the Colorado carnage as justification for such a law. The air is thick with disinformation, but the plain fact is that NONE of the guns used at Columbine H. S. came from a gun show.

Of all the political lowlifes out there, I think anti-gun demagogues are about the lowest.
This morning I read a report that the bill in the Texas Legislature to require background checks for private sales at gun shows has died. It died because key Republican legislators refused to support it. In other words, this group of legislators refused to dance to the anti-gun-show drumbeat that has made so many of their colleagues deaf to the voice of reason lately.

Gov. Bush claimed to support the concept of the bill but not the bill itself. Basically, he passed the buck to the Feds--pitiful policy for a state governor, I'd say.