GOA alert: Oppose enforcement of existing gunlaws


Moderator Emeritus
Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 http://www.gunowners.org

Ask your Congressmen to oppose Clinton's latest anti-gun proposal!

(Thursday, January 27, 2000) -- Well, the President is the latest
one to jump on the "let's-just-enforce-the-existing-gun-laws"
bandwagon. Last week, he asked Congress to give him 500 new BATF
agents and inspectors (!), plus 1,000 more prosecutors focusing on
gun crime at all levels. And it is expected that he will renew that
call tonight during his State of the Union address.

Gun owners should be the first people to object to this horror.
After all, hasn't the gun rights community as a whole OPPOSED every
federal gun law that has been passed in the last century as an
unconstitutional infringement of the Second Amendment? Haven't we
asked the anti-gun Schumers and Clintons of the world "What part of
infringed don't you understand?"

So why do some gun owners think it's great that Clinton is now going
to enforce these infringements with 500 new BATF agents -- the very
agency that is notorious for violating the rights of American gun
owners? Consider the BATF's track record over the last 25 years:

* Shredding The Constitution. The BATF "has trampled upon the
second amendment by chilling exercise of the right to keep and bear
arms by law-abiding citizens. It has offended the fourth amendment
. . . [and] ignored the Fifth Amendment." (Source: Report of the
Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, February 1982, pp. 22-23.)

* Going After Mom And Pop. "Approximately 75 percent of BATF gun
prosecutions were aimed at ordinary citizens who had neither
criminal intent nor knowledge, but were enticed by [BATF] agents
into unknowing technical violations." (Ibid., p. 23.)

* Called "Jackbooted American Fascists" By Congressman. "I have
described [the BATF] properly as jackbooted American fascists. They
have shown no concern over the rights of ordinary citizens or their
property. They intrude without the slightest regard or concern."
(Source: Rep. John Dingell, Congressional Record, February 8, 1995,
p. H1382.)

Let's put the Clinton proposal in perspective. Enforcing the
existing anti-gun laws means that average citizens could face the
horrors of:

* More Ruby Ridges. Ordinary citizens who make technical
(non-violent) infractions-like Randy Weaver did -- can be viciously
assaulted and fired upon by federal agents.

* More Wacos. Gun owners who use firearms in self-defense can
still be prosecuted in federal court for technical possession
charges. That was the lesson of the Waco trial, where the jury
effectively ruled the Davidians acted in self-defense -- but then
sent many to prison on firearms possession charges!

* Fewer Heroes Like Joel Myrick Of Mississippi. Remember
assistant principal Joel Myrick who used his gun to save the lives
of several students from a gun-wielding teenager in 1997? Well,
more BATF agents means that teachers or assistant principals who
keep firearms at school, like Joel Myrick did, could be hauled out
of their classrooms and sent to prison for 5 years for the terrible
"crime" of simply possessing a firearm. Some teachers have already
been dragged out of their classrooms when it was discovered that
they possessed a firearm on school property -- even though they only
possessed the firearm for self-defense and no violent crime was ever

* More Harassment Of Gun Owners. Del Knudson of Colville,
Washington was at work when BATF agents raided his home. Del's
wife, Malisa, was bathing their 21-month-old daughter when 30 agents
piled out of a van and swarmed over their property. Malisa was
forced to come outside in spite of her repeated requests to first
get her baby out of the bathtub. For three hours the house was
searched and Malisa was interrogated about the family's religious
and political views. Agents seized all of Del's firearms, but after
finding them all legally owned, they were eventually returned.

* More Entrapments Of Gun Owners. Gun Owners Foundation defended
Wayne Scott of Florida, who was arrested on three felony counts
under the National Firearms Act. The jury acquitted Scott of all
charges and determined that the BATF had employed tactics of
entrapment on a law-abiding citizen. The BATF informant was
subsequently jailed for attempting to extort money from Scott.

* More Lies, Lies, Lies. The BATF was instrumental in charging
Sgt. James Corcoran of the Pennsylvania State Police with "machine
gun" offenses. The firearms involved were semi-automatic AR-15
rifles sold by Corcoran. The judge threw the case out after
learning that the BATF, not Corcoran, tampered with the rifles,
making some of them double fire.

ACTION: Ask your Congressmen to oppose this latest assault on the
Second Amendment. Violent crime -- and that includes violent gun
crime -- is a state issue. It's not a job for the federal
government, at least not constitutionally.

Passing technical gun possession laws only criminalizes good, decent
gun owners. That's a problem that we should be working to correct.
We should NOT be asking the President to now enforce those
unconstitutional laws which, if recent history is any indication,
the BATF will spend a good amount of time enforcing against
non-violent, decent Americans.

You can reach your Congressmen toll-free at 1-888-449-3511; or at
202-225-3121. Fax and e-mail contact information can be found on the
GOA website.

Get Armed With The Facts!

For more examples of BATF abuse -- like the ones mentioned above --
you can order Breaking the Law in the Name of the Law: The BATF
Story from Gun Owners Foundation.

This video presentation documents the harassment and intimidation
tactics employed by this agency. Live interviews with victims of the
persecution reveal the shocking truth about the obvious anti-gun
mentality of the bureaucrats, their arrogant disregard of the law,
and how they have destroyed the lives of many innocent law-abiding
citizens. David Koresh had a copy of this video. He showed it to,
among others, the undercover BATF agent in Mt. Carmel. When the BATF
went for their search warrant, the affidavit gave as a reason to
raid Mt. Carmel that Koresh had this tape!

With a credit card in hand, you can call GOF at 1-888-886-GUNS
(4867) and press #1 to order the videotape. The cost is $19.99. And
of course it is available online at http://www.gunowners.com/resource.htm on the GOF site.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Yup. Got mine.

One of the main issues with which I differ with the NRA. Granted, we must punish those who criminally (depends on what "criminally" is) misuse firearms, but to actually enforce all the tens of thousands of laws? Nope here. I betcha each of us is at least guilty of a Miss Demeanor ;) & if we discuss avoidance (to a point) amongst buddies - could be a conspiracy to commit a misdomeanor ( which is a felony in some jurisdictions)

Paranoid? Hey! It's me! ;)

To a point, NRA has played into the The Administration's hands; or turn it around & The Admin has grasped that one point on which the NRA harps & has stuck the knife deep.

In any event, ain't none of it for us.