GOA Alert: House to Tackle Anti-gun Crime Bill Soon


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House to Tackle Anti-gun Crime Bill Soon

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 http://www.gunowners.org

Thursday, June 10, 1999

"House Republican leaders yesterday embraced gun control legislation
written with the help of the National Rifle Association and
announced plans to rush it to a final vote." -- The Washington
Post, 6/9/99

House To Take Up Gun Control Next Week

Voting on juvenile crime legislation will probably begin next week.
There will be gun control amendments offered on the floor of the
House, and many of these provisions will probably parallel the gun
issues that were considered in the Senate (background registration
checks, import bans on self-defense magazines, liability on gun
owners who don't lock up their guns, etc.).

The House Republican leadership is supporting a proposal that, among
other things, will impose background registration checks on those
buying guns from PRIVATE individuals at gun shows. Gun owners
should begin calling their Representatives and urge them to vote
"NO" on all gun control-- including any Gun Control "Lite"
provisions that are sponsored by Republicans. [Activists can now
get an exact copy of the juvenile crime bill (S. 254) that passed in
the Senate at http://www.gunowners.org/gts254.htm on the GOA

Republicans Getting Hammered On Capitol Hill

Irate gun owners from across the country are deluging Republicans
with correspondence, both at the Republican National Committee and
on Capitol Hill. Reports have indicated that the RNC has been
"besieged" with mail, as "several boxes" of faxes, emails and
letters have been unloaded upon their offices. House Speaker Denny
Hastert's office has admitted to receiving a thousand calls a day
from angry gun owners.

In what could be an attempt to counteract this grassroots response,
the head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Rep.
Tom Davis (R-VA), released a poll recently supposedly showing that
80% of Republicans favor stricter gun controls, such as those which
passed in the Senate juvenile crime bill. This ignores the fact
that truly honest polls-- such as those conducted by the Denver
Rocky Mountain News (5/20/99)-- have found that 65% of people want
less gun control, like easier concealed carry.

"Should people ought to have to register a gun like they register
their cars? Do I think that? Of course I do. Of course I do." --
President Bill Clinton, June 4, 1999

Democrats Pushing For More Gun Control

Even before the House of Representatives has had a chance to vote on
the juvenile crime bill, top-ranking Democrats in Congress and in
the White House are predicting that the current batch of gun control
provisions will be followed by more stringent proposals. For
example, on June 4, President Clinton stated on ABC's Good Morning
America that:

"I have made it perfectly clear that I want to get what was passed
in the Senate, passed in the House. Then we will come back and try
to pass some more [gun control]."

The current gun control proposals in Congress are mere stepping
stones to Clinton's next goal. He has openly stated he wants to
move towards full-fledged gun owner registration. Gun owners should
not fall for Congressional promises that once this anti-gun crime
bill is finished with, they will get the whole gun control debate
"behind them." Not true. If the current gun restrictions in
Congress become law, we will see an immediate move towards even
stricter proposals. The time to stop the hemorrhaging is now. Make
sure your Congressman hears from you.

ACTION: If you have not done so already, please contact your
Representative and ask him to oppose Gun Control "Heavy" (from the
Democratic side of the aisle) and to oppose Gun Control "Lite" (from
the Republicans). Moreover, Representatives should be encouraged to
vote "NO" on the final passage of any juvenile bill that contains
even the least 2nd Amendment infringement.

Call the House at 202-225-3121 or toll free at 1-888-449-3511. The
address for all Representatives is: [Name of Rep.], U.S. House of
Representatives, Washington DC 20515. See http://www.gunowners.org/h106th.htm for fax and e-mail contact info.

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