Go! Sen Smith!!

You know, what, I was going to vote for a Republican presidential nominee, but after I learned what Lott and Hatch are doing to our second ammendment rights, I'll say !@#$ the Republican party and I am voting for Smith!

No, I am not a one issue voter, but let me tell you something, people: our constitution is merely a piece of paper with fancy wordings and good promises without the second amendment! The second amendment is the amendment that gives our Constitution a cutting edge! Remember this: all of those dictatorship countries all over the world also have cool sounding constitutions, the difference is: no right to bear arms! That's how the dictators can still abuse their people despite of their cool sounding constitutions, because the people has no means to fight back! The purpose of the second amendment is not for duck or deer hunting!!

The great thing about Smith is that he is not just right on guns but on the other issues as well. I think I'll be voting for Smith this time around. There's nothing for the small government conservatives in the republicrat party...except some empty rhetoric.

--Take care.

"Quid hoc ad aeternitatem?"