Ed Brunner

New member
Really never thought I'd ever say it,but
Rev Jesse Jackson has apparently secured the release of our three POW's.


Better days to be,

I guess Reverend JJ's knack for ending up in front of the camera paid off this time. Whatever it takes to get 'em out, I'm for it.
Maybe his latest media stunt will encourage another run for the Democrat nomination and screw up their chances. How about it Al?
Makes me wonder just how imcompetent our President and staff are, if they, who are trained for this kind of thing, have no effect, but someone who I consider just a preacher with clout, can go over there and make it happens in a matter of days.
What kind of incompetents running this country anyway?

Guys, Milosevic is playing NATO like a fiddle. I'm sure he decided to release the Soldiers after the Clinton administration made it very clear that they would have nothing to do with Jackson's mission. It seems that a lot of Americans have the idea that we're dealing with an Elbonia (Dilbert reference) like country.
You guys don't really believe that JJ got those boys out, do you? There was a back room deal cut with one of our alphabet groups.
While I have to commend JJ for his part in getting our boys back, I have to remind one and all; The reverend Jesse Jackson is as rabidly anti-gun and Slick Willie and crew.
Paul B.
I was cursing JJ the day before the release for those tacky staged photo ops he was having witht he POWs.. he would stand there with his ar m around them smiling into the camera, while they looked sulleny at the ground.. he is a media whore, a hypocrite and a racist.

I'm glad the boys are coming home, I don't care who gets credit for it from the media, but he lost even more credibility and respect in my eyes this week.

I meant it when I said i was happy that Jesse did it.But I dont know the rest of the story.
Was he acting as an individual? Isnt it illegal for an individual to visit a country with which we are at war?(As in Hanoi Jane)

Or was he acting as a representative of the US Govt? And if so what price did we pay?

And then I wonder about Slobo. If he is the war-mongering,racial-cleansing,hard-nosed,high-stakes player that sick willie says he is,why didnt he get on live TV and execute the POW's.That would have got the US
out of that war in a minute.Probably NATO too.

The whole thing is a mystery to me,but what do I know?Im just a country boy.

Better days to be,

OBTW, in case many of you did not know, Jesse made a racist remark about NYC, calling it heimytown. He also admitted that as a young man working in a country club in his hometown in South Carolina, He stated that he would spit in the food of white members. Some humanitarian.
``Leaders should not be afraid to meet. As a matter of fact, they must,'' Jackson told NBC's ``Meet the Press.'' ``I think (Clinton) and Milosevic would understand each other. ... We should not miss this moment of opportunity.''

I found this amusing considering that Milosevic has been compared to Hitler by the Clinton administration. Is Jesse saying "it takes one to know one"?
I was listening to a radio show the other day and a lady caller put forth an interesting idea for the democrats.....algore for pres along with jessie as vice prez..........with this latest publicity who knows....fubsy.