Go Brokaw!


New member
Just passed through my living room where the wife was watching the news. Your Vice President was giving a speach in New Orleans and was saying how 18 to 20 year olds could walk into any pawn shop or gun store and purchase a handgun. Scene switched to Tom Brokaw where he said "That is simply wrong."
and went on to talk about the laws in place.
I found that quite refreshing!

They just can't quit lying.
Yeah, I thought there was something fishy going on? When the senate said that no one under 21 should be able to buy a handgun, I was thinking, isn'there already a law prohibiting anyone under 21 to buy a gun? Is there?

Yes Johan, that is the Federal law. In some states an 18 year old may have one but nowhere in the U.S.A may they legally purchase one according to Federal law.
I just thought that it was a good sign seeing the usually anti gun media correcting one of the lies spewed out by people who have sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution of this country.
I saw that too. I loved the way Brokaw looked straight at the camera and said "That's just simply wrong." [emphasis his] So not only did this robot, Gore, not "invent" the internet, he doesn't know anything much about the law and always chooses a large gathering to flaunt his ignorance. I say keep it up, Al.
Unless it has changed since I last read the laws, in Indiana a resident can get a CCW at 18, but may not own the gun they carry until 21 due to Federal Law. Nothing says the gun can not belong to the father or mother, just that it must be legally possessed.

John - NRA - Lifer
For those of you who didn't see this:

It was a 20 sec piece...Brokaw begins by saying Gore addressed a meeting of US mayors "and said this"...cut to a segment of Gore saying that 18-20 yr olds can go into any gunshop, gunshow, pawnshop...anywhere in the US and buy a hand gun.

Cut back to Brokaw: He looks straight into the camera and says "That is simply wrong. The Gun Control act of 1968 made it illegal for anyone under 21 to buy a hand gun and anyone under 18 to possess one".

That was it....basically it was just a piece pointing out that Gore is liar or a moron...I believe he is both.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, I was thinking, meeting of U.S. mayors in New Orleans, hmmm, N.O. is one of the cities where the mayor has filed charges against firearm manufacturers. Wonder what kind of meeting this was? Did they burn books afterwards?
Oh WOW!!

My local news just had it on in a different context and they showed more of Gore's speech....This guy is an evil congenital liar. check this

He (Gore) says that young folks do a lot of the gun crime. Then he says "How many more incidents like Littleton by people doing the bidding of the NRA will it take?"

That F....ing SOB just directly blamed and accused the NRA of masterminding these killings!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, Question is, what did your local news commentator have to say about it? Did they let it go as fact out of your government's mouth or did they protest as Brokaw did?

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited June 14, 1999).]
They let it go as fact...
this is a small minor market and the anchors are attractive personable airheads. If they had an original thought, much less any thought I'd be stunned

The cute lil weather girl is the smartest person they have

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited June 14, 1999).]
D.C.: Kind of ironic, in a sense, that he claimed the killing was at the "bidding" of the NRA.... When you consider that one of the parents of the little killers was a member of HCI! And, yes, the NRA SHOULD sue for libel, but won't.
Indiana law allows concealed carry at 18 but doesn't permit purchase until 21. Thus my son obtained his CCW permit at 19 (before I did) but I had to purchase the weapons for both of us.
At the risk of repeating myself, 18 year old can purchase handguns from private sales, but not from federally licensed dealers. I posted some details on another thread about 21 years olds.
Paul B.
Paul B, I was just saying we caught them telling lies again, the man said gun stores and pawn shops. Tom Brokaw had the cajones to tell the public that these statements were wrong. Now he is on the s-list of The Media Police!

Business as usual, lie lie lie!

Hank, "jumping off soap box"
Last nite I had the misfortune to see Dan Rather covering up for Al on the same speech. CBS ran the piece of tape showing Gore lying his tyrannical ass off, then Rather had the temerity to look into the camera and say that some of Gore's "critics" said Gore "misspoke" about the handgun age requirement. Rather then explained to all us morons out here in Idiotville that while Gore said, "handguns" he meant "other types of firearms".

So I wiped the puke off my shirt, apologized to my wife for throwing the tv out the window, promised to replace the window, and went to the range.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."

"What's the frequency, Kenneth?"


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Brokaw did Larry King live tonight. He was refreshingly honest, rational and factual. Didn't come out if favor of guns as the problem; pushed individual and parental responsibility; took a call about the Gore statement and reiterated that Gore was wrong.
Wonder if Gore's boys will threaten Tom like they threatened some of the big computer guys if they didn't support Gore's "invention of the internet"?

This guy (Gore) is such a hilarious buffoon, he deserves a raise.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
A non-member asked me to post this:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>So Gore suggests that The NRA had something to do with the school
shootings in Colorado and possibly Georgia, among his other flights of
rhetorical fancy. Perhaps, but another take on the same spin might be as
follows: How much did it cost The Anti-Gun Lobby, that is Handgun
Control Inc., Violence Policy Center, and suchl, and their operatives,
Sarah Brady, Josh Sugarman et al, to hire the clowns who did the
shooting? Obviously, both ideas are slightly ridiculous, neither having
"legs", but one wonders as to whom it might be that writes Gore's