gmt halo suppressor questions


New member
So all of my long guns are 5.56/.223s, and I'm really hoping to get a can soon. Does anyone have a gemtech halo? If so what is your opinion on it? Im mainly looking to attatch it to my rifle for hunting and range shooting. I shoot on my own range most of the time so it'd be a plus to shoot without ears on. Also am I better going with a set up like this (using the blank adaptor grove for a hook up point) or are direct thread cans the way to go? I'll never be shooting full auto as I'm not a class 3 holder, so full auto isn't an issue. Just looking for a can that will last and hopefully get the most bang, or lack thereof, for my buck.
you won't be shooting .223 without ear protection, at least you shouldn't. subsonic in a bolt gun, no problem, but not an AR. be careful, those things are freaking fast
HALL said:
Does anyone have a gemtech halo? If so what is your opinion on it?
The only advantage of the Halo is that it attaches to an A2 (or similar) flash hider. And even then, you have to remove the standard crush washer and re-mount it with shims to ensure proper alignment.

HALL said:
Also am I better going with a set up like this (using the blank adaptor grove for a hook up point) or are direct thread cans the way to go?
Neither. On a semi-auto rifle most people use a proprietary quick-attach mounting system. My SilencerCo Saker 5.56 mounts to a company-specific muzzle device much faster and far more securely than the Halo does, and I can switch out the end of my silencer to use different mounts.

HALL said:
I'll never be shooting full auto as I'm not a class 3 holder, so full auto isn't an issue.
There's no such thing as a "class 3 holder" unless you're a dealer. The rules for buying a full auto are exactly the same as buying a silencer except for the fact that you can only buy full-autos that were made and registered prior to May 1986.

The Halo is an old, louder design that has a mediocre mounting system. The only advantage to it is that the buyer can save money by using regular A2-type mounts instead of buying proprietary ones.

HALL said:
it'd be a plus to shoot without ears on.
Despite what the manufacturers tell you, no silencer is medically "hearing safe", especially not a 5.56 silencer.
So even with a can, I'm going to need ears? Thats a little disheartening. And by class 3 holder i meant I do not have a license to deal in class 3 items. I'm aware of the shim set deal and that isnt quite a deal breaker but I'm looking more and more into direct thread. My local shop is saying to buy a 7.62 can so that I'll have more versatility out of a single can but my only threaded rifles are 5.56s, any input from those who have been there and done that?
Ps to the 0331 thats a great sig, accuracy by volume. Made me smile
My first rifle can was a AAC 762sdn-6. Its a 308 can and i run it on 308,300blk and 556. I think the versatility make the 30cal can the way to go for a first can

The downside is it is overbuilt (read long and heavy) for a 556 gun. The sound reduction is about the same as a 556 can.

So, it really just depens on your planed usage. 556 ONLY in your future? Get a 556 can and save the weight. If you even think you will shoot larger stuff down the road..get the bigger can now and you are all set

Since getting that first rifle can, i have picked up some caliber specific rifle cans. These things are ADDICTIVE!!!
HALL said:
So even with a can, I'm going to need ears?
That's up to you. A silencer greatly reduces the sound of the shot, but it will still be well above the threshold for permanent hearing loss due to prolonged exposure, especially with a rifle silencer shooting supersonic ammo (subsonic .223 is pointless and won't cycle the action so almost nobody uses it). Many people don't bother using ear protection when shooting their suppressed .223s outdoors, but those people are still permanently damaging their hearing over time.

HALL said:
And by class 3 holder i meant I do not have a license to deal in class 3 items.
Yeah, but your original quote seemed to imply that because you weren't a Class 3 you couldn't get a machine gun. But buying a machine gun is still an option even for non-dealers, it's just like buying a silencer only much more expensive because you can't buy a new one.

HALL said:
I'm looking more and more into direct thread.
The advantages of direct thread are that the cans are a little shorter and lighter, and also that they tend to affect your point-of-impact less. The disadvantages are that you have to run your AR without a muzzle device when the can isn't on (or at least without a muzzle device that's properly attached), and also that it takes forever to attach the can (it will also take forever to take it off, but considering it will be too hot to touch when you're finished shooting, you'll probably be letting it cool anyway so that's less of an issue). Also, it's possible for the silencer to loosen under recoil, and if it loosens just a little you can get baffle strikes.

If you plan to always keep the silencer mounted on the rifle, direct-thread is fine, and it will carbon-lock to the barrel pretty quickly and won't loosen after that. But if you're like me and you want to be able to easily attach and remove the silencer and you don't want bare threads on your rifle, a quick-attach silencer is the way to go. Also, I've become a huge fan of 14.5" barrels with pinned-and-welded muzzle devices for use with silencers due to the overall length and weight reduction, and you can't do that with a direct-thread silencer.

HALL said:
My local shop is saying to buy a 7.62 can so that I'll have more versatility out of a single can but my only threaded rifles are 5.56s, any input from those who have been there and done that?
Just like Sharkbite, my first rifle can was an AAC 7.62 SDN-6. I almost never used it on anything but 5.56, but it was nice to have the option (I'll also be getting a 300 Blackout SBR soon). The issue for me was that it added quite a bit of length and weight when put on a 16" AR-15.

So I built a pinned-and-welded 14.5" upper and bought a SilencerCo Saker 5.56. With the shorter barrel and shorter can I dropped about 2.5" and several ounces off my previous setup. That doesn't sound like much, but when it's out on the end of a barrel you definitely notice the difference. That said, I probably wouldn't have bought a 5.56 can if I hadn't got a screaming deal on an industry-priced one directly from SilencerCo (I work at a dealer).

And, like Sharkbite said, they're addictive. I'm waiting for the stamp for my 4th can at the moment, and he's way ahead of me.

HALL said:
Ps to the 0331 thats a great sig, accuracy by volume. Made me smile
Semper Fi, my friend ;).
the only thing I feel comfortable shooting w/o ear protection is sub-sonic 300BLK/9mm and of course .22LR. Pretty sure .45 would be fine as well, just never had the pleasure. Surely there are other heavy/slow sub-sonic rifle calibers out there as well, but you would probably be best suited with a .300BLK upper if you desire quiet shooting. The uppers are super cheap, and you really don't even have to buy a bolt. That said, this is only sound advice if your a reloader because 200+gr sub-sonic 300B.O. ammo isn't nearly as cheap as .223

p.s....the quietest silenced rifle I ever shot was a hi-point 9mm. it was very cool
I chose the halo because I wanted a can that could handle full auto and jump from gun to gun without me having to remove all those flash suppressors. If you plan to put it on a rifle and leave it there you could find something better I suppose.

I too would suggest hearing protection when using a suppressed AR/M16 though if I fire a shot or two out back I don't alway use it.