GlocktoberFest - October 26th - Houston TX


New member
Houston Chapter 1st Annual Gun Meet - GLOCKTOBERFEST!

Houston FreeRepublic Network Chapter
Thursday, October 17, 2002

Posted on 10/17/2002 7:46 AM Central by Flyer

The Houston Chapter is excited to announce our 1st Annual Gunpalooza and BBQ - aka GlocktoberFest. The range activities will be at The American Shooting Centers in far west Houston at George Bush Park.

Okay folks - it's time to Rock and Load!!

GlocktoberFest is scheduled for Saturday, October 26.

This will be a ton-o-fun-with-a-gun and a great opportunity to meet and greet your fellow Houston area FReepers.

Details, details, details. . .

Shooting starts at 10:00
Gun owners will pay the range fee of $6.00 for the first gun, $3.00 for each additional gun
Gun owners will provide the ammo of their choice
Non gun owners pay the $6.00 range fee
Additional ammo and targets are sold in the range store
Eye and ear protection is required. Shooters are asked to bring any extras they may have

We have decided against any match shooting for this time. This is more of a friendly get together and a chance to shoot a variety of guns.

After the fun on the range the Houston Chapter is hosting a feast for all that attend.


Elgin and/or Chapel Hill sausage
Pork ribs de bin Laden
Cold boiled shrimp
Potato salad
Roasted corn on the cob
Beer and sodas


If you plan to attend you must RSVP to this email address subject=RSVP

Howdy Drizzt
I saw your post about the 2002 event. I would like to know how it turned out and if the Glocktoberfest still happens? It sounded like it would be a lot of fun.