GlockTalk is off its rocker

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I went and visited GlockTalk. Hmmm...

May we please, please NEVER add all of those silly icons all over the place.


Just one man's opinion. ;)
Oh boy...

More of this "My gun is the best because this and that and the other and your gun is crap because it's not my gun so nyeah-nyeah-nyeah." :rolleyes:


I'm happy he likes Glocks. Other people are vegetarians, too, but I'll stick to my meat, eggs, dairy products, and seafood (I love animals--they're tasty :D ).

Whatever happened to Cincinnatus?
Lord have mercy on them poor ignorant folks.

Sic semper tyrannis

Having started on TFL and finding info. about GT herein I will agree that there are some unusual and very often one-sided views expressed in GT.

Many of the folks in GT are really hardcore and quite fanatical in their views of the Glock pistols. I have noticed, however; that the same can often be said of some of us here in TFL. Each forum has its own share of good and bad. Each has its own cadre of followers totally loyal to the forum or a particular subject/thing and many times one will find that an ignorant, absurd, or narrow-minded view is quite often posted by the same person regardless of the forum used.

TFL is great if you want the broad view from many different people and their experiences on a vast array of subjects as it is less of a specialty forum. GT is, IMHO, the best place to go for specific information relating directly to the owning, firing and using of Glock pistols. Who better to ask than those who live, eat, sleep and breathe it?

I think both forums have their place and can only say "To each his own".

[This message has been edited by X-KILL (edited January 06, 2000).]
Glock owners don't buy glocks because they (Glocks) are pretty like Sigs and H&Ks or have a nice nickle plated finnish. And when most of us began to look for a hand gun we didn't have the mentality that if it cost alot it has got to be a great gun. We researched all the guns on the market and discovered that Glocks were RELIABLE and basically MAINTENANCE FREE and SHOOT GOOD and HAVE LOWER RECOIL and GET GOOD SERVICE and FIT YOUR HAND WELL and YOU JUST DRAW AND FIRE (no safety levers and decockers) and ARE GREAT TO OWN SEVERAL DIFFERENT MODELS (because once you master the trigger all models are basically the same to shoot except recoil depending on the cartridge) and THEY CARRY NICELY and GLOCK ARMORORS ARE ALL OVER AND EASILY ACCESSABLE and THEY FIELD STRIP IN A N.Y. MINUTE. AND EASILY and THEY ARE DURABLE. Now do you see what I mean. I could go on and on but I think you get my point. GT is a great place because Glock owners are always willing and ready to share there knoledge about these fine firearms. The only time we get in flame wars is when people start talking about calibers but every one is on the same page when it comes to the Glock and its design and function. Heres a little humor so don't take it personally. Sig and H&K owners think they have arrived in life because they spent all that big money, and dad garnet, there guns just have to be the best. 1911 owners hardly even know that other brands even exist. If its not a 1911 then its not a gun and they will even conceil carry the big old bulky things around with there pants falling down all day long. If you think about it a 1911 isn't a gun its a hobby because you spend the rest of your life trying to get it to work like a glock. Then you got S&W buyers. Now I think S&W people are usually buying there first pistol and figure since S&Ws a house hold name it must be ok so thats what they get but they are usually sorry that they made that decision because S&Ws jam like crazy. Then there is the Ruger buyers. My first gun was a P95 because it was cheap, only 299.00 but when I brought it home and tried to put my hand around it or CCW it I realized I made a wrong choice. Then you got your Browning people. I can't knock them to much but as old as the design is it should be alot less expensive. I think that anyone that likes to carry a locked and cock pistol likes to complicate there lifes. Then there is the Berreta owners. They are usually loners and have to have a "combat gun" kinda like 1911 people but fore the most part they are pretty average folk. Anyway thats kind of the way I see it. And just remember Glocks really are the best. And if you really want to start a BIG flame war just down load this and send it to TFL. I don't have the cahoonas to do it, plus it would probably crash the server over their. When you wise up and get into the modern age, let us know, we'll be waiting for you at Glock Talk. . . (i couldn't resist, i had to send this to you all) ---->just eats you folks up over here doesn't! kinda like the member of a gang coming into another neighborhood...

[This message has been edited by fyrfytrj (edited January 06, 2000).]
What is this? Usenet? Are we going to start saying things like 133t now? And ending words with the letter Z?

This could be the part where I accuse fyrfytrj of being an HCI mole, planted to sow enmity among more and more tightly defined gun-owning groups.
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