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Do you think that Glocks are among the finest combat-ready handguns that exist today?
Now what's in the box ?
Berreta - Yep
S&W - Yep
H&K - Yep
Sig Sauer - Yep
digging deeper...
Colt - Yep
Para-Ordnance - Yep
Springfield - Yep
Ahhh... here we go
Right at the bottom of the pile.... ;)
Yep I do think that Glock's are among the finest combat-ready handguns that exist today !
LOL, grin, wink... :D :) ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited August 19, 1999).]
Not again :(

But take it easy on the new guy, OK? He'll get a slightly less biased view on the question than he would over at Glocktalk. ;)

I wonder if this question falls under the same category as "Does this skirt make my butt look big?"

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Irfy ,

My answer is YES! Alot of people
either hate or love glocks.
Glocks by design are made for
combat. NO decockers , NO lever
safeties , light weight. Point
and shoot! Go to "Glock Talk" ,
those loonies will fill ya in. The
reason I like the Kahr's so much
is because of their similarity to
the Glock design. Rack & FIRE.

[This message has been edited by SHORTFUSE (edited August 19, 1999).]
joegerardi, Commodian extraordinaire,

I left myself wide open for that one. Maybe I'll take a picture of a Glock in a skirt. (That is, the Glock has the skirt on, NOT ME)

Wiseguys :D

But to answer Irfy's question: Are Glocks the best combat-ready pistols made?

Answer: The editors of Jane's Defence Weekly named the HK USP as THE representative of the state of the art in handguns. Couple that with the SEALs' choice for pistols, and that means absolutely nothing to the SIG lover.

Dontcha love people who dance around answers?
Bottom line is this: if you shoot straight with it, satisfied with its feel and reliability--then you've found the gun for you. Me, personally, I found the perfect gun in the USP. Safe, reliable, accurate, and rugged--just like me ;) (skirt or no skirt)

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Hell no! Cheap plastic junk!

The over two million they've sold to civilians and that are issued to police and military all over the world don't mean diddly! :)


If you mean combat gun as in ISPC/IDPA competition or bowling pin shooting, then I doubt a Glock is the best. I've been working as LE for quite a while now, I've yet to have a bowling pin sneak up behind me in a threatening manner or have a group of paper shilouette targets surround me or see any metal gongs stick up a convienence store. I have had LE friends shot and killed. I have had to stop cars with badguys that outgunned me. I've worked in areas of town where the weapon of choice for the BG was a Mac10 with dual tapped bannana clips. Despite being able to draw my G17 very quickly and pointing it at the BG's, I've been very lucky. Things in real life happen very quickly. A lot of times, you don't have time to think, just react. The Glock is good for that. I have a ParaOrdnance 1911 type pistol which shoots sweetly and is gorgeous. But it takes me longer to present due to it's manual safety. A split second is a big deal when you're trying to concentrate and watch 2 or more BG's moving around all at once. I agree with most of Shortfuse's points, except the thing about the lunies at glocktalk. Glocktalk is the most fun bbs around and is like family. If the anti gun public could spend some time on that bbs, they'd see a group of gun lovers that don't come off as violent or looney. Heck, they are downright folksie.....John
Broken Arrow Head ,

Last week my buddy graduated from
the FBI Academy , he was issued
a "GLOCK". Good sarcastic reply you
made. He he he he he he!

ClipArt ,

The looney remark about Glock
Talk was made with love. I am
a member of GT. GT is great!
Have you been in the CHAT room?
Really neat! I talk alot of ying
yang , trying to be funny not mean.
(Clipart & Arrow Head) just a joke.
I must be looney for talking so much
trash but I luv it! I am only a lurker
at GT now , I had a showdown with an
over medicated GT'er. I do check in
5 times a day , no one knows though.

I know you were just kidding! Geez, I usually don't take myself or anything too seriously, especially on my day off! That old, dark, mean, and ugly side of the force just got a hold of me and I couldn't stop myself. My apologies to all. I'm more lurker than poster, too, but I will have to get in that GT chatroom sometime. Take care...Clip

[This message has been edited by JohnArt (edited August 19, 1999).]
My Glock 26 was very accurate and 100% reliable, firing anything I put in it. Even if I had shoved one of those ol' Lincoln Logs™ toys in there I'm sure it would have fired them too! ;)

However, upon a friends suggestion, I rented a couple of Kahr pistols last weekend and they won me over. They are similar to the Glock but fit my hand much much better.
Thanks Sidearmor! Nice seeing
you too. It's very hard to resist
posting a reply to some of the
threads at GT. I read that you
were missing out on range time
due to the success of your kydex
holster company. Well , you will
have plenty of time at the range
when you guys retire "rich".

"Al veda sane"

Which Kahr's did you shoot?
Were you more accurate with
the G26 or the Kahr? Make sure
you get the "elite" version.
They have a shorter trigger
break , good for accuracy.
What rig do you use for your
IWB G26 carry?
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