Glock VS 1911 - Which is better for personal defense ?

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I have to try to make the argument for the Glock, based on the following:

It is simple.
Draw and fire.

That is the biggest argument I can make, and it is the ONE I am 100% certain cannot be disputed.

other than that, in decreasing order of relevance to self defense:

out-of-the-box reliablility.
trigger pull (less likely to "stress-fire")
magazine capacity
one syllable name sounds cooler.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 10-21-98).]
The short answer is the Glock, especially if further specifics aren't given. Why? Simple. The Glock is an inherently more reliable design.

I don't put as much weight on the difficulty of dropping the safety on the 1911, but some might. If the 1911 is reliable with the ammo used, then it is purely up to the personal preference of the shooter.
I would add only one thing, court defensible. Why do more police forces ime beating the gloarry glock than anything else? If the cops won't carry it why would a resonable and prudent person. I've carried the 1911, and love them but all around you'll have a hard time beating the glock. When your in court after the shooting, whether criminal or civil, the jury won't understand "cocked and locked". They will understand your concern for safety in choosing what most police forces consider safe.
My reply is the one you shoot better with, assuming both are reliable.

I shoot my modestly customized Colt 1991A1 GM better and more easily than any non-single action gun. The reason, the trigger.

However, I am getting a Glock 35. The reason, ammo capacity. I have also tried Glocks whose owners have done a little polishing here and there, and come up with smoother Glock triggers.

As an aside, I now sometimes carry my Glock 30 vs. my Colt, becuase of the clothes I wear. The Colt hammer can get hungup in sweaters during presentations. The Glock design minimizes this.

I was going to get a Glock 22, but the G35 came out. I did not like the G23 too hot; it did not feel as good in my hands as the G22.
Given the parameters that we're only talking about self-defense and not aftermath litigation, it depends on which gun the shooter is more competent and confident with.
Now here all these people are sitting here saying that Glock is a better defence gun...while in the mean time if I was depending on a Glock for my life I would be killed.


The having to drop the hand to make the barrel go where I want it doesnt fit my gunnery vocabulary. However I have been shooting 1911's since I was 18.

So in that case it would come down to...which ever one you can shoot and feel confident with.


Mouse Assassins inc.
I dunno, but I personally think the two are different animals. The choice between the two depends on your operational doctrine. For example, some believe in external safeties and being able to carry cocked&locked, while others don't believe in any external safeties.. you know what I mean.. and not carrying with a round in the chamber.

Among other things I'm sure.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited 11-14-98).]
I concur with SB that these guns are different animals. And, like Shaded Dude, I can really shoot my cocked 'n locked guns (1911A1, BHP, PT99AF, etc.). The deal with the Glock is simple: folks either love them or hate them. I'm in the later camp....can't stand them and their trigger group. And they're not even heavy enough for a decent boat anchor....totally useless for me!!!!

The Glock certainly has a simpler manual of arms, and I can see that as being a huge advantage in a high stress situation. Plus the Glock has a better out of the box reliability factor...

Though a person who trains deeply with a 1911 can certainly master its manual of arms, i.e. cocked and locked, and be very quick to the draw... And now days you can buy double stack 1911's and have the same currently legal limit of 10 rounds.

In my opinion, unless you train a lot with the 1911 and really get into using it and understanding it, then the Glock will probably be the better way to go.
Reliability isnt bad in 1911's, just cheep ones. If you bought a Glock copy for $300 it would probly not be very reliable.
Or worse, if Jenson made one and it was $69.95 like there other pistols.
The 1911 is the most copied handgun I know of, so as far as reliability, or accuracy, you have to compare apples to apples. When you do that there isnt much of a problem.

Also as far as training, you need to train just as much with a Glock because when they issued them to the police down here all the officers were accidently discharging them beause they werent used to not having to disengae a safty.
No matter what gun you get you have to train with it.

I suggest you go look at both, shoot both, and see what you prefer. Your going to be stuck with it for a get the one you like. Then learn to put the bullets where you want them. Then who cares what make it does the job :)


Mouse Assassins inc.
Oh yeah...going back to the original questions.....HK is better for personal defence. Thats why I carry one. Because I liked it best.


Mouse Assassins inc.
This has been an interesting thread because it asks a simple question,gets a lot of responses and finally it appears that it is a matter of personal preference after all.

I have fired countless thousands of rounds through almost everything but I have never had the desire to shoot a Glock.
No particular reason-just personal preference.

Better days to be,

C'mon guys... stop fightin' it. Just get you a Glock, it's only a matter of time before you do.

In all seriousness, I've owned two 1911's (one Colt, one Springfield) and they both were unreliable. Even after trips to the gun smith-multiple times for both.

Now I used to not like the Glock until a friend convinced me to try his G-17. That led to a 22,23,21 and a 19.

I want to like the 1911, I really do. It's the first pistol I fired years ago and it's so classic. Sometimes I think about selling the Glocks I currently own (19 and 23) in order to help finance a proven reliable 1911. Like a Wilson's Combat, but after walking off the firing line I think nahhh.... I got the best, who needs more.

Just my opinion (and we all know what opinions are like). So don't take offense y'all.
Which has thusly proven my point.
The best defence gun is the one you decide is best for you.

I will add that I carry a HK, and will gladly carry a Sig, but I dont carry a 1911.
and I wouldnt carry a Glock unless I have a grip job don on it.

My HK has jammed once, when I was working on a very light shooting target load. It didnt blow the slide back very far enough.


Mouse Assassins inc.
I'm new to this forum but I'll gladly throw my Chihuahua into the fight. I shoot IDPA and have used both in competition. I'm also an instructor and tell all my students if you're not willing to shoot the 1911 a LOT then don't bet your life on it, get a Glock. If, however you are willing to invest the time and money (tweaking the 1911) then there is NOTHING faster or more decisive in a gunfight!
Since I'm used to pulling a 1911 from the holster and going to work, that's what I carry on my person. I do not, however, like the idea of a cocked and locked (the only way to keep a loaded 1911)on my nightstand or in my truck console. Thats the domain of my G35 - the finest Glock ever made in my opinion! They do point differently but, if you use the sights, this is a minor problem.

As far as litigation goes...I'll use whatever it takes to make sure I make it to litigation. Better that than funeral arrangements.
Only cheap 1911's are unreliable huh. At my last IDPA match I saw two Kimbers (not cheap at all) and two Colts (possibly cheap) malfunction. One of the Colt malfunctions cost the shooter 1st place.

I've only seen two 1911 type guns (out of 100's that I would ever trust my life with. The first is a Les Baer that cost my friend over $1400, and the second is a Para Ordinance P16 with some custom work. Every other 1911 type pistol that has been shot regularly at our local IDPA matches has burped, puked, self disasembled, etc.
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