Glock or 1911

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I currently own a Glock model 22 .40 s&w
but have always loved 1911's And now i am seriously thinking about selling or trading my my glock for one. If any of you were in my position what would you do ? And if i do sell it how much do you think i could get for it. It being a factory rebuild with two hi-cap 15 rnd mags,and an after market scherer 31 rounder. PLEASE HELP!
JES-I assume you're wanting a 1911A1 in .45acp. I'd purchase a copy of Gun List and see what the going rate is for the Glock. Of course, there is no reason not to own both, as I own a highly customized Springfield and still want to get a nice Glock. However, I assume you'll use the Glock money toward the 1911, so why not post it on this forum under the For Sale threads? You may also want to try and trade it for a 1911 of your choosing. With a little cash thrown in, you may be surprised. The thing about 1911 owners is that the Quest for The Perfect 1911 is a never ending journey! Are you sure you want to do this to yourself?!
Good Luck,
this sure is a tough situation you got yourself into. Those are both great weapons and I don't know any red-blooded American who doesn't have an affinity for the 1911. If I were in your shoes I would keep the Glock and get a 1911 anyway (worry about the credit card bill later, maybe it will disappear 1/1/00). Start with an entry level Springfield and build from there.
Should you EVER sell one gun to buy another? [GASP!!]

How about the arguement that you shouldn't sell your gun? Hicap guns are a dying breed. As soon as there are no more hicap mags available, (and this will be soon) your Glock will go up in price pretty fast! In a few years, Glock will probably stop selling these type guns. Hey, without hicap mags, the gun market is going to change pretty fast. So think long and hard about which guns you want to own ten years down the road. Now is not the time to be selling your guns, it is the time to buy!

I apologize if this sounded too much like preaching! If you don't have enough money for both guns, then go ahead. But I bet that you'll regret the decision in the not too distant future...
I have the 1911 vs. Glock, HK vs. Sig, 9mm vs. 40, and other debates all figured out. Do what you want to do, then just read the posts that agree with what you wanted to do in the first place.

Seriously, I am one of those guys who has traded off dozens of guns to buy a dozen more. It was a bad habit I developed in my college days when I was broke. I almost sold my P7M8 when I started packing Glocks since the "manual of arms" is so different. Of course the guys here on TFL straightened me out and I now have both of them. Keep the G22 and obtain the 1911 my whatever legal means are necessary.
I must agree. I made the mistake of selling my SP89 for $1500 and now its up to $3000. Also countless other mistakes.

The morale of the story is always KEEP the gun that you cannot buy in the future. In this case the hi-caps are disappearing fast due to tighter and tighter gun control. You can always buy a 1911 later...Heck, I sold my Goldcup SS for $500 so there are plenty of 1911 around.

If you want peace, prepare for war.
Tough call, how about selling the G22 and going along the same lines as the 1911 but keeping that Glock toughness by purchasing a Glock 21! Same 1911 .45ACP round yet in a gun your all too familiar with! It's the perfect compromise.
Thanks guy's for your feedback for it helped me out and made me come to the decision of keeping the glock. And maybe somwhere down the line picking up a 1911 or taking pete80's advice and get a glock 21 instead. but for now I'll just customize the glock to the best of my ablity starting off with some night sights and then gradually working up from there. So once again thank's for all the help and i look forward to many more helpful,and educational experiance's here on the firing line. SAFE SHOOTING TO ALL

It's better to have one and not need one, than to need one and not have one
Don't sell the Glock. I own both, and consider the 1911 a most times gun and the glock an always gun. I would never get rid of a gun that is reliable. Many times, my Glock has been my only functional gun in a defense caliber b/c the Colts were broken. You ought to have two guns at least for this very reason.

A word to the wise on 1911s, don't buy before you try. Look it over in the case and inspect it, or go to a gun store that will return lemons, no hassle. Springfields can be nice, but I've seen some junkers, and recently. Colts are a must inspect item.
I have 2 G22's, and recently acquired a like-new Les Baer 1911. It's love! I have shot the two side by side, and the Baer's inherent accuracy is unreal... beats the Glock handily beyond 25 yards. Since that is beyond most combat distances, many wouldn't care, and that's understandable. I have grown to love the precise trigger of the 1911, and know if I had to make a precise shot at 15 yards or more yds in a critical situation, I'd want the 1911 in my hand.

All that said, the stone axe reliability of the Glock is very comforting. I MAY sell the 22's and get either a G30 or 21, as I am told by many that they are the most accurate Glocks. I'd probably keep the hi-caps for a rainy day (and maybe one of the 22's!). I'll keep the G27 too, since there is nothing that beats it imho for compactness & power. If I carry, it will be a coin toss for the 27 or the 1911 (I want a compact 1911 for carry). The low maintenance/high reliability of the Glock just cannot be beat, imho. I hear of problems with the 1911's, but I have friends with 10's of thousands of rounds thru theirs, and with the proper care, it's no problema. I believe in the theory of having one gun for serious hi-round count usage at the range, and a similar, near new one for carry/protection, for ultimate reliability. I do this with the Glocks, and I will with the 1911's also. Just some musings. Try to keep the ones you have, and buy more! It's only getting harder to be a gun owner. NOW, to more critical issues...we MUST make sure AL GORE is never the President. Same with Bill Bradley and all the other Democratic Fascists. Fight the fight.

[This message has been edited by Covert Mission (edited September 20, 1999).]
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