glock barrel question

Joe Portale

New member
A friend asked me this question. Glocks have what they call a "polygonal barrel" and cast lead rounds should not be used.

First, What does "polygonal barrel" mean?
Second, I see folks pushing lead with Glocks all the time, so is this statement about not using lead bullets a wive's tale?


Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
Polygonal: A two-dimensional form having more than four regular straight sides.

Doesn't really help much, does it?!?

This is an instance where a picture is worth a thousand words. Grab a bore lite and take a look at your friends Glock. You'll see the difference between it and a regular cut rifling right away.

The Glock barrels tend to build up lead fouling quicker than a regular barrel. The lead fouling if let go too long can cause pressures to rise to unsafe levels.

Many folks do shoot cast bullets in a Glock, but they keep their bores clean.

Good Luck...


The reason Glock barrels lead up faster is because their rifling grabs the bullet, instead of cutting in, like regular rifling. Personally, I don't use unjacketed ammo in any of my guns; I just don't like working that hard. :)

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-- John Hay, 1872