Glock Armorer's course....

Rob Pincus

New member
Well guys, I'm off to Glock Inc for three days of classes. While there I am taking the Armorer's Course and the Advanced Armorer's course as well as an LEO transition instruction course.

I've been putting these course off forever and finally found them all in one week that I also happen to have free. Okay, not really free, I backed out on a Turkey Hunting trip and my wife went. She will most likely get a turkey before I do, but I'll finally learn how to clean my Glock. (good thing to, I've had one of them for 5 years!)

Anyway, I'll be on the internet at night, but out of the loop during the day until Friday.

Glock sure has changed the course. In 1991, the Instructor course was 3 days, and one night shoot. The armorer course was an additional day. At that time both courses were taught by Peter Tarley. GLV
Not sure who Peter Tarley is, but I'm taking both classes from Frank DiNuzzo, Glock's Chief Firearms Instructor, he was also their frist instructor.

At any rate, passed the basic course with 100% on the test.
Nothing really earth shattering, but it was a full day of instruction and there is alot of info beyond "insert tab A into slot B" type stuff that you can get out of a manual.

Tommorow, Thursday and Friday is the Advanced Armorers/LEO Instructor Course, which looks like it'll be fun and informative as well.
Rob, Peter Tarley is a well known instructor, and long before Glock went in house with their instruction, Glock contracted Police Training Division ( Tarley's organization )to do their training. Tarley is also active in IALEFI. All in all, one of the top instructors in the country. If memory serves me correctly, he trains only M&P. GLV
Glock's been in house for a long time, I guess that's why I never heard of him.

Is he still active?

Did he teach Civilians for Glock or did you have Creds?
WEll, I finally figured out waht I was doing this week!

I was not scheduled for the advanced armoer's course, it was the LE Instructor's Course.. MUCH BETTER for ME! Got to shoot over 1000 rounds instead of playing with broken guns!

I read through one of Peter's old lesson plans from his PDT. It looked good and covered a lot of good stuff, there were also some outdated info in it, but he may have changed it since this lesson plan was written.

Some of the guys at Glock spoke well of him, but there is No question that they have the right man now.

Frank DiNuzzo has restored my faith in Formal Instruction. A few more like him and the "Golden Age of the Sight Picture" may finally come to an end!

Frank was a NY State Trooper for 23 years and ran thier firearms instruction program as well as commanding their SWAT team. he has been with Glock since he retired, 8 years ago.

He uses very proggressive training with the emphasis on the fact that gunfights are stressful and dynamic events. He stresses that Gunhandling and Speed are the keys to survival, not marksmanship.


Rob, did Mr. DiNuzzo tell you what kind of detergent to use in the dishwasher for cleaning the Glock? - Doc
No, he did mention that you could mix some dishwasher liquid with water and then dip the end of the cleaning rod with the big hole in it. Then, place the ring in front of your mouth and blow gently to make Glock Bubbles.
Rob, no, Tarley does not teach ' civilians ' but I have not been a civilian since I was 18. I do not have LEO credentials, however I have others. Glock told Tarley that he did not have to take me in the Instructors class because I was not an LEO. He and I hit it off so he let me in the class, even took me to dinner one night.

It sounds like the training is very similar, lots of shooting, and lots of movement, night shooting with movement, etc. Much more like NTC's and RTC's done by IALEFI and ASLET.

The liability issue remains a problem with all instructors.

I require several specifics for all of my one on one students. NRA membership. Membership at the range where training takes place. A short list of required reading, and veiwing of several videos from my library. I also carry a liability policy.

Classroom training is all NRA and follows the NRA lesson plans.

For small department training, I write a lesson plan and have the plan approved by the NRA.

Nothing can protect the instructor from being sued, and about all one can do is put as many road blocks between the person that would sue and the instructor.

I, for one, do not intend to stop educating the firearms/lethal threat management ignorant just because of the liability issue. GLV
Mr. Glock has the instructors take all the students out to dinner on his card now. ;)

DiNuzzo uses a lot of phraseology to cover liability issues and suggests that LE instructors do the same. (ie- never say "point shooting" even though that is exactly what you are going to teach them to do)

He suggests that certain things are covered, briefly, just so that the "box is checked off"... So that officers cannot come back and say "I was never taught to handle that situation." Which makes sense.

Personally, I evaluate a potential student for one on one by his abilities. Regardless of memebrships or books read he may still be a complete buffoon. I also start every student out with the most basic things, progressing to more complex things. Including dry fire run throughs for all seriously dynamic or especially awkward operations (shooting while wounded, figure 8's, etc...). If a guy is ready for shooting and moving on the first day.. huah! If he takes 4 hours to learn how to get the weapon out of his holster smoothly and quickly, that's fine too.
