Glock AD Question


New member
Has anyone out there ever had a Glock AD without pulling the trigger? I hear about this kind of thing happening from time to time, but I can't figure out how it can happen without help from some violent external source.
The Glock trigger and firing pin safeties are supposed to prevent AD. However, like anything mechanical, they *can* fail. It's extremely unlikely, but the possibility is non-zero.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I've not heard of a bonafide case where a Glock fired without the trigger being intentionally pulled. I suppose anything is possible, however.

So many pistols, so little money.
When you qualified your question with "without the trigger being pulled," you kind of rulled out negligent discharges. In GA, the G.S.P. dropped loaded Glocks out of helicopters onto asphalt. They didn't fire when they weren't supposed to; they did fire when needed.

There are three safeties. The probability of all three failing, particularly, with no pressure on the trigger, would be pretty close to nil.

[This message has been edited by WalterGAII (edited December 01, 1999).]
Most of the Glock A/Ds that I am familiar with involved the shooter's finger on the trigger. Usually, the A/D occurs as the weapon is being holstered and the poor sap's finger is in the trigger guard. In one case, the officer blew the suspect's brains out when the suspect snapped his head back during the arrest procedure. Unfortunately, the officer had his finger on the trigger. I have also heard of people running and tripping and having a A/D when they slam into the ground face first. Again, the finger was on the trigger!! Now some would say that a safety would prevented this- I seriously question sloppy weapon handling skills that rely on a mechanical device to "save the day". In most cases a safety is a moot point- If your dumb enough to run around with your finger on the trigger, your most likely dumb enough to have already taken the weapon off safe!

I know of only two instances where a weapon has fired without the trigger being pulled. I later was told that one of them was a covered up ND during a felony traffic stop, but that's besides the point.

With the Beretta at least, if the firing pin somehow breaks forward of the firing pin lock, racking the slide can cause it to hit the primer with enough force to fire it. Decocking the weapon on a loaded chamber can also produce the same effects.

I'm not sure if the Glock is even capable of a similar AD or not, but it's something to think about.

Thanks boys.

I hear things going around, you know? Like PD's not choosing Glock because of their inherent problem with AD's. I just can't figure out how the Glock is any more likely to do AD than any other brand.

I too have heard of a seized firing pin causing a round to go off when racking the slide. This is usually caused by a very dirty weapon or a defect that is revealed when the gun is loaded for the first time.
Both of these situations can happen to any brand, not just the Glock. Thanks for the info.