glock absolutely destroying brass


New member
Hopefully there are some glock experts that can help me out.

I just got done test firing a glock 17 build, and it is putting a massive ding in almost all the brass. Looks like its getting mashed into the ejector?

NOTE!!! I was shooting 1 bullet at a time without a magazine in (still waiting for it to arrive) just to get it sighted in, so this could very well just be a side effect from not having a mag in the gun and total stupidity on my end.

The first rounds i was shooting must have been +P nato because when i shot my reloads it felt like a 22 compared to them! The box says "1305-01-172-9588 A363 9mm BALL M882" pretty sure those are military rounds? Bought them along time ago so cant remember.

These ones had the most deformed cases:

My Reloads came out pretty much unscathed:

I didn't notice any marks on the internals of the gun like something slamming in the wrong spot repeatedly.
Look on the slide for brass marking around the ejection port. Often the ejector spins the brass 180° and it gets hit by the edge of the ejection port coming forward. This problem is why the Colt Goldcup went to a lowered ejection port with a rollover relief cut at the rear of the ejection port as compared to the original 1911 design.

Some gunsmiths will alter the ejector nose shape to either increase of decrease that spin rate. The easiest way to tell if this is part of the issue is to change to a different recoil spring weight to see if the problem is relieved or changed in degree or location.

Since this will come down to a gunsmithing issue, I will move your thread to that forum.
Glock Build? Red Flag!

I just got done test firing a glock 17 build,
All my Glocks, and I do love them, are built by Glock. I won't let anyone else touch them that is not a Glock certified armorer. I have NO IDEA what you mean by a Glock "build", but if you did not buy it from Glock, through a gun store, I have NO Advice. These are not Leggo guns like AR's. Certain mods like barrel swaps or extended slide release are available from (they ARE Glock certified armorers)

Undoubtedly, you already know the problem:
and it is putting a massive ding in almost all the brass. Looks like its getting mashed into the ejector? NOTE!!! I was shooting 1 bullet at a time without a magazine in (still waiting for it to arrive)
An autoloader handgun is a system of components that work together as designed. You really should not mess with those components, especially if you are new to Glocks, and I know you are. Wait for your magazine to arrive.

Now, the fact that you have a fine handgun, and no magazine, sounds like a HUGE RED FLAG. I will assume you are waiting for a legal magazine due to local restrictions. However, it defies logic, how you would end up with the pistol without the magazine. That does not happen in a normal handgun purchase. With a Glock magazine inserted, I bet your gun will work fine. They are very reliable in normal-to-harsh use. Glock has no reason to test their guns operation without a magazine in place. In normal use, you remove the empty and replace with a loaded one. You never shoot without the magazine.

just to get it sighted in
You do not need to sight in Glocks (assuming of course it is a real Glock and can pass a Glock armorers inspection, i.e., no counterfeit parts or other abnormalities).
Actually, my favorite thing about Glocks is that I was able to range qualify with a G26 (subcompact) and a G23 mid-size, and a range rental G30, pass all three the first time with solid scores. I honest believe I can pass the certification course with any Glock in any caliber straight from the box. Now if someone felt some strange need to monkey with the sites of one of those guns all bets are off.

Now, above I mentioned barrel swaps, what fits from one model to the next, You can read about those on . There are also drop in replacement barrels, night sites, gunsmithing, etc. If anything about your pistol is Hokie, they can fix it properly.
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Real M882 is NATO spec, +P but not maximum +P by commercial standards.
We don't know what your reloads are. Try some commercial ammo.

Firing an auto without a magazine is kind of an unnatural act. One Industry Expert recommends it only as a severe test of extractor tension. See if it improves with a clip in place.

Dented cases and brass tracks can indicate misfit extractor or ejector. If so, one of these days you will get a stovepipe or other trapped empty case.
The magazine (actually the follower or top round in the magazine) is part of the normal ejection system of the Glock pistol. You should expect issues with ejection when firing a Glock type pistol without a magazine in place.

It is pretty common for empties to eject down the magazine well in a Glock when it is fired without a magazine in place.
@ JohnKSa - Thanks for the info, i did get a few that came down the magwell. sounds like no mag is causing my issues most likely.

@Jim Watson - my reloads were some light target loads (115gr berry HBFP 3.9-4g titegroup)

@Marco - I appreciate the detailed response but i think a chill pill is needed, lol. This is a custom build, i ordered every single part and assembled the bare frame and slide myself. Why? Because i enjoy building stuff and learning how things work. Call it whatever you want, but it uses all glock/glock compatible parts so for the sake of my post, i need to understand how to work on a system that is glock. (not to mention i came across many posts about this same issue on factory glocks while researching last night)

When it comes down to it, these are machines, the name on the side of the machine has nothing to do with building it or servicing it. I am an engineer, and there is no reason a qualified person cannot explain to me everything i need to know to work on this gun. Sure i may need special tooling or something to accomplish a certain task, but there is nothing preventing me from learning and doing this simply because it says glock on the side. As to why i do not have a mag yet, i accidentally got the wrong mags which are too short. I was just too impatient to try out my new gun before the new mags arrive! Also, i am using a Trijicon RMR on this gun, that's why it needed to be sighted in.

I am going to chalk this up to firing without a mag in for now as that seems like the most obvious cause of the issue. It looks like the brass is trying to eject very low, which makes sense since there is not another round under it inside the mag. I will update this thread once i get the mags in this week and can shoot it again properly assembled. Aside from the brass crushing issue the gun runs like a dream, smooth as glass and i was punching bullseyes once i had my RMR sighted in.

Thanks for the replies all!
Check it with the mag.

If that doesn't fix it, you may need a slight bend to the ejector. Basically, your rounds are ejecting too horizontal. Bending the ejector down and in slightly will create a more vertical ejection pattern. Somebody standing behind you can tell you when the angle is right.

Getting to vertical of an ejection pattern is hard on the extractor and will get you hot brass in the face.
Might as well order a new extractor while you are at it.
A Glock, like most semi-auto pistols, is not meant to be loaded directly into the chamber w/o a magazine.
Mystery solved, shot with a mag and she runs like a champ. Brass comes out unscathed and even weak target loads eject the brass off to the right where it should be going.

Thanks all!