Glock 48 Shield Arms Magazine


New member
Hey guys,

I recently picked up a Glock 48 and changed over to the S15 magazines and mag catch. Brought it to the range the following day and had a few issues I was wondering if anyone could explain. I ran 50 rounds of Armscor 124gr and had a FTF more often than not, multiple times with each magazine while shooting. I then used Igman 124gr and had zero issues, not a single FTF.

I was curious why the Armscor gave me problems and the Igman did not? I am going back out tomorrow and plan to run some Winchester 115gr and see how they perform.
Forgot to mention that, Tunnelrat. I did not try with factory magazine or catch. I have switched the catch out and intend to test that tomorrow as well.
I think that’s worth testing. It may just be that ammo entirely, or it may be a combination of that ammunition with those magazines. Whether it’s a slight difference in the overall length of the cartridge, slightly different shape of the bullet, or even some difference in the case dimensions there may be some tolerance stacking that means that ammo in those magazines is problematic. Let us know what you find as I’m curious too.

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Just got back from the range and my findings are not favorable for the S15 magazines.

First, I switched the magazine release back to the factory one. I fired 10 rounds through each Shield Arms magazine, two of the three continually fell out after firing one round. Arguably worse than them failing to feed with their brand magazine catch.

I then used factory magazines and had zero issues, as expected. Shield Arms was a huge let down for me. Doing some more reading, I have found plenty of articles where lots of others were also let down by Shield Arms.

Nonetheless, I still love the 48. I was really hoping these magazines would work, as this would match the capacity of the Glock 19 I sold to buy this 48. But for a summertime gun, I'm pleased with it, just means that I will be making myself a mag holster to carry a spare magazine. Admittedly, something I never do unless at work. I hope anyone considering Shield Arms sees this thread and doesn't waste money like I did. I should have researched these more.
So I will say the reviews you mentioned are why I haven’t personally gotten the combination of G48/43X and Shield Arms magazines.

Now that said, the magazines aren’t supposed to work without their magazine catch. The factory magazine catch is polymer and it won’t hold in the steel Shield Arms magazines (in fact the steel magazine will damage the factory magazine release. You can read this from Shield Arms in a few places (I’m not sure they say it won’t work at all, but they do at least say they highly recommend swapping the magazine release).

Lastly, you had two types of ammunition. One type worked flawlessly, according to your first post, and the other didn’t. Is that a total failure? Idk. Armscor isn’t exactly high end ammunition. Now if that’s what’s easy for you to source and/or affordable for you, then yeah it’s a nonstarter. However, if it is really just that one or a few types of ammunition won’t work with those magazines, but your defensive ammunition and other range ammunition will, then it’s more of a thing to keep in mind than a failure, imo. I say this in that you might still be able to get some use out of those magazines.

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While a lot of positive, I started to see some negatives too.

I was dead set on the G48 until I ran across those and got the G19.

Wish I could send you a link of someone having a problem and then finding a fix, but I haven't come across that info.

Armscor FPS is rated above Lawman and below American Eagle.
Really shouldn't think it the issue. Igman should be considered the lowest of low. So, weird :)
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The shield mags seem to be a bit hit or miss for some. I bought three shield mags and mag catch for my G48. In my case they have been flawless as in perfect function. The only downside is that when using the shield mag release my factory glock mags no longer drop free but must be pulled out with slight resistance. I can live with that as the shield mags are now primary for my G48 and the glock mags will only be used on the range.
That is true, I understand they are not meant to be run with the factory magazine release but was curious as to what would happen. It isn't a total failure but it definitely could have been a better experience. The Armscor was donated at work and was free to me. In the academy all was shot was Armscor out of well worn Glock 17's and it ran fine.

I am going to hold onto the shield arms magazines and try running Federal HSTs through them as well as various other types of ammunition. I haven't completely given up on them but so far, as I said before, they have been a let down. I do plan to gather up a few boxes of other brand ammunition over the coming week and try them next weekend.
I have 4 Shield mags for my 43X, 2x Gen1 and 2x Gen2. Along with the Shield mag release all have run flawlessly over about 500 rounds per mag. I still use my 3 or 4 Glock mags for the range...also running flawlessly. I would be blaming the ammo first.
Jonnyc, hopefully it is just the ammo. For now I will be sticking with the factory set up. But on range days will swap to shield arms. I really want these to work.