Glock 30 vs. Glock 36


New member
I had the opportunity to go to the local firing range today and rent these two guns. I am interested in purchasing one of these two guns to carry when I travel and as a CCW. I am still uncertain of which one is the better purchase for me. I would like to hear some feedback from those who have either one of these. Below are my thoughts now that I have fired both guns.

My initial impression of the 30 was better than that of the 36. I was surprised at the recoil of the 36. It is quite a bit stronger than that of the 30. I am used to shooting a 9mm so that also contributed to the surprise I had at the recoil of both guns. Both of these seem to have a stronger recoil than the Glock 21. I assume that the recoil is something I would get used to as I practiced with the gun. Is this correct? At this point, the recoil is my biggest concern. Is this normal when going from a 9MM to a larger caliber pistol? (I do have a 357 Magnum revolver that I shoot often but it is quite a bit heaver than the 30 or 36 and does not have as strong of a recoil.)

I like the size of the 36 over the 30. My current CCW gun is the Glock 19. Both the 30 and 36 are reasonably close in size to the 19. Is the 30 as easy to conceal as the 36? Are both of these as easy to conceal as the 19?

I was very impressed with the accuracy of both of these guns. They both seem to be more accurate than the 19. Of course, maybe I could just shoot them better than the 19!?!
I was pretty much on the center of the target with both the 30 and 36 but I seem to be left with the 19.
I would go with the G30. I don't think sacrificing 4 rounds is worth the slight width difference. Both are fine choices though.
I chose the 30 because of the extra 4 rounds. I can't carry concealed in my state so that wasn't an issue. I've heard that alot of cops carry the 30 as a back up. It's a great gun.
Go over to for threads and threads of comparisons.
I own both and both are different. The 30 has more ammo, slightly softer to shoot. The 30's weight loaded is alot more than the 36 and it is alot wider than the 36. The 36 does not seem to recoil that much more than the 30 to me and carring a second magazine is less bulkie with the 36. I like both guns but for carrying, the 36 is alot better especially if you carry IWB holster style. For shooting the 30 is better. I guess you need to try both and choose for yourself. Which ever one you chose buy night sites for it, well worth the money.
I would go with the G30 great gun recoil not bad and very accurate I love mine.. :D


Good Luck
Never shot the G36. Have shot the G30. Own the G21.

The G36 will be easier to conceal, without a doubt. If you're talking about a concealed-carry weapon then four rounds isn't likely to make a difference because the average self-defense encounter involves 2-3 shots.

A question, if I may. Why are you ditching the G19?
G30 here. The extra ammo capicity was the main reason for the choice. I have no problem concealing it. I carry mine in a Bianchi "Black Widow". It conceals quite nicely under a light jacket, or loose t-shirt.:)
Actually, from what I've read, the G36 grip isn't all that much smaller than the G30, though I haven't measured it. I have a G21 and a G30, and I have no real desire for a G36...

On paper, it doesn't LOOK like much difference between the grips, but if you pick them up at the same time it's actually pretty noticeable.
If you ask the hardcore Glocksters and the Big Dawgs at GT, we hands down are buying the Glock 30s and passing on the G36. It was a mistake. I own a G30 and my buds own G21s and G36s. They ditched the G36s and bought G30s.

I've seen at least three used G36s in the past couple of weeks (not theirs). I saw one G30 for sale used at my gun range for all of last year.

This is an old question. Go to GlockTalk.

BUT the G30 holds mo bullets, accepts G21 hi caps, and is known as Glock's most accurate pistol bar none. The G36 has been plagued by low sales, higher felt recoil, and acceptable although not stellar accuracy. And it's a single stack!

If the G30 is too fat for you, just lose a little weight. Then it will fit fine.